The Greasy Diner

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“Just how do you do it?”

When Dipper lowered the old book from his face, the flirty yet troubled-looking expression of the waitress met his line of sight. She sat on the table quite provocatively, staring him down.

"Do what?" Dipper quietly asked her.

“How you just come here,” she began, tracing a slender finger across the top cover of his book, “and pay me no heed at all…”

"This is a diner, Pacifica." He stated simply. "I came here to eat."

To end the conversation, he began to lift the book back up to his eye level, only for Pacifica to immediately slam the book down flat on the table. He threw her an unimpressed look, and it seemed quite clear that he wasn’t interested in anything other than the book in his hands. But whether the waitress realized she was a distraction or not, he couldn’t tell.

Dipper sighed. "Don't you have other customers, Pacifica?"

"Indulge in me for a second," Pacifica lightly tittered. "won't you, Pinetree?"

He stayed silent for a moment, but she had her answer when he let go of the book, the leather covers hitting the table with a thud.

"Enlighten me."

Pacifica couldn’t help the smile on her face once those words left his lips.

“I’ve always wondered,” she began, going right in for the gold, “have you ever had a partner before?”

He stayed silent at her question, though the slight raise of his eyebrow indicated his confusion (but she couldn’t fully tell).

“Have you ever been flirted with before?” she continued to ask him with that sly smile of hers. “Or perhaps flirted with anyone,” like how I’m flirting with you?

“Perhaps,” was all he answered, and she almost released a heavy sigh. The fact he only gave her a one-word answer after she asked him three different questions was infuriating, but she wasn’t going to give up just yet. No, not when she wanted to push him.

She drew even nearer to him, “Are you interested in anyone,” like how I’m interested in you?

Her face hovered right over his; and she was so close, so close. Just one lean forward, or perhaps maybe even if she just slipped a little. One movement, and she could take all of him in. One movement, and she could figure him out. One movement, and he was hers.

And suddenly Dipper couldn't understand why he was being so cold to her.

“These questions make no sense, Northwest,” he shortly dismissed, eager to hide his reddening face, and she swore something in her broke a little when he picked his book back up. That hard covered book created an immediate separating between the two, and she never found herself hating a book so much before. “Please, just let me study.”

Pacifica leaned back amidst processing things, but couldn’t help that clawing feeling of supposed rejection pooling in her stomach.

"But," Dipper began again, voice still quiet as he scanned the pages of his book. "I'll come find you after your shift ends."

Pacifica smiled. She'll take that as a date.

* * *

Disclaimer: Technically this is based off of a different fic from a different ship, so I wouldn't exactly say it's mine, but i hope you liked it anyway.

also, I am working on the other book with the fake dating au, i'm thinking either chapter dump, or scheduled postings idk lol

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