The Dare

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Third Person POV

Mabel couldn't wait. She's done too much of that. She's been planning it for years. But of course, she's only told the gang about it a few weeks ago. Everyone knew what was going to happen. Everyone, that is, except Dipper and Pacifica. After they defeated Bill for the third time, the first thing Dipper thought of was Pacifica. And the first thing Pacifica thought of was Dipper. So Mabel had come up with an idea. It was the best idea in all her Match Making career, if all things go well. 

They were both 21, so they were officially adults. Plus, they loved each other more than anything in the world! No, nothing could possibly go wrong! Even Bill himself has to admit that after all they've been through, they deserved a happy ending. And Mabel is here to give them just that.


Mabel slipped into her room where Candy and Grenda were waiting for her. They were listening to a Sev'ral Timez song, despite knowing of their hamster-like behavior offstage.

"What's up, Mabel?" Candy asked. Mabel looked around the room, making sure no one was hiding or peaking through the window.

"This is." She excitedly produced a small velvet box from her pocket. She opened the box, revealing the most amazing ring they'd seen. It had a gorgeous platinum band with a beautiful blue stone that shimmered like sunlight in the water. 

"Is that...?" Candy pointed at the ring, her eyes wide. 

"An engagement ring? Yes." Mabel smiled even wider. "And guess whose it is."

Both Candy and Grenda shrugged.

"Pacifica's." Mabel clarified. Candy and Grenda's eyes went wide again. Candy glanced at the ring again, realizing that the stone was the same blue shade as Pacifica's eyes.

"Where did you get it?" Candy asked excitedly.

"I got a ton of money from Grunkle Stan, and a used some of my own!" Mabel replied with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

"Did Dipper ask or...?" Grenda questioned her. Mabel shook her head.

"Nope! He's still too nervous. That's why we're going to help him." Mabel explained her plan to her friends.

~~~ Later ~~~

"Oh my god, it's perfect!" Grenda bellowed enthusiastically. The three started jumping up and down like they were on a sugar rush.

"C'mon I'm gonna be late for dinner. If that happens Dipper's gonna go all detective on us."

The girls made their way down to the dining room. Unfortunately, they bumped into Dipper halfway through the stairs.

"Why so happy? Did you beat up another unicorn or something?" Dipper raised an eyebrow at the trio. 

"It's nothing." Mabel lied, sharing a small smile with Candy and Grenda. Dipper's eyes scanned their faces suspiciously.

"Alright..." Dipper said slowly, still suspicious. "Well, Grunkle Stan and Ford are waiting. I just had to get something from the room."

~~~ Next Day ~~~

"That's a pretty sweet plan, Mabes." Wendy told the brunette after she shared her plan with Wendy and Soos.

"Aww yeah, this is gonna be epic, Hambone!" Soos exclaimed, throwing his fists up in the air.

~~~ End of Flashback ~~~

Mabel snapped back to the present, remembering where she was. She shoved her hand into her pocket, sighing when she felt the box was still there. She was on her way to the hill close to the Mystery Shack, which had a beautiful view of a lake. The perfect spot for a proposal. When she got to the top, she saw that everyone was already there. A small grin split her face.

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