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“Miles, stop it!”

Lisa hangs the garden hose on the wall before she turned around.

“Pops! he keeps on splashing water onto me! My drawing, oh my god he ruined my drawing.” Lia whines dramatically as she glared to her brother who's happily paddling to the Inflatable pool.

It was Sunday morning and Levi insist on swimming as he help his mother to pump air into the portable pool and fill it with water on the front yard. While Lia decides on drawing outdoors and sits into the patio furniture.

Lisa approached and sat on the kiddie chair across from her daughter. “Your drawing will get drenched no matter what, you know how your brother is. Why don't you draw inside instead?”

Lia shrugs. “I need to tan.”

Lisa couldn't help but laugh at the response. “why do you need to tan?”

“No reason.”

“Don't you like your snow-white skin like your mami?” Lisa pressed on and when she received an vague shrugged from the younger one she didn't prod on anymore. Lisa looks down at the girl's sketch where all her attention was focus on. “What are you sketching?”

“Oh!” Lia looked up suddenly. “since you asked, can you draw me a big wolf please?” She pushes her sketchpad to her mother.

“uh.. Okay I'll try what I can do.” Lisa stared at the paper briefly before she started to make pattern through the pencil and into the center.

“Papi can you adjust this, it's too small.” Levi walked towards them while inspecting his goggles. The bridge of his nose is burning red because the head rubber strap is too small for his head.

“Alright, here you go.” Lisa smiles widely and presented the outcome of her drawing to her daughter. Lia blinks her doe brown eyes and open her mouth to finds some word to say as if really speechless that no words can describe Lisa's creation.

“um that's-” Lia shakes her head to pulled out of her trance and clears her throat. “That's pretty a wolf Pops, thank you.”

“Why are you lying?” Levi laughs from his sister's shoulder. “what's that? A homeless wolf? It looks malnourished.”

Lisa ignored her son as she nodded and smiles warmly to her daughter. “You're welcome sweets,” Her attention drift upwards when she saw their neighbor walked out from his door. She lift her hand and waves like lunatic. “Hey, Good morning Mr park!” She grinned as her kids turned around to the neighbor.

Mr Park throw her a dirty look before he walked back inside his house and slams the door shut causing the chime bell rangs by the sudden forced.

“Papi I think you should let him know you have a shotgun.” Levi's frown deepens, eyes burning to Mr park's door, he obviously didn't like the old man's attitude towards his papi.

"Why's Mr park is always like that?" Lia asked curiously, watching Lisa's fingers adjust Levi's strap goggles.

“We'll never know, I've never talked to him before.” Lisa shrugs.

“But what do you just think? why is he like that to you?” Lia propped her elbows on table and put her cheeks on her palm.

“Maybe not only to me? Maybe he's always like that to everyone, I mean it's understandable because he's already an old man and alone unlike me- I have a gorgeous wife and three adorable kids so let's just understand his situation.” Lisa reached out the goggles back to her son. “That'll be fit in now.”

“That doesn't make sense at all.” Lia scrunched up her face confusedly.

Lisa let out a sigh. “Just think of him as our neighbors like Squidward or that Oldman in the movie called up,”

Mommy's Always Right! p.s Dada Said So ✈ JenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now