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“I swear Mami! You should've seen his face it was pretty hilarious, I don't think he knows what's going on and that what makes the situation more funny.”

Lia laughed, remembering her group mate's face back in practice just as Jennie smile from behind her while she continued on brushing Lia's soft wet brunette hair with a comb.

“I bet.” She humor Lia's story and asked. “What did teacher Kelsey says then? She not mad?”

Lia frowned at the question. “Why would she?”

Jennie restrain herself from saying something rude like– for interrupting her class at his nonsense or taking her precious time at his own childlike fun. She asked instead of answering then. “Teacher Kelsey's not strict?”

Lia pause to think, drawing random circles on her pajama pants. “uhm Define strict, Mami.”

“Like, does she have those wicked annoying smile? Or does she even smiled at all with her thin eyebrows and hideous chose of outfit? Like that teacher you have back in fifth grade, what was her name again? Buttocks? Butthole?”

Lia giggled. “Silly. It's Manowl, Mami.”

Jennie was thankful Lia's back is facing her, otherwise she'd see Jennie's displeased eyed roll at the mentioned of that name. Despite all the gossips they shared towards the people they dislike, she was still cautious of what to feed on Lia's mind, Lia think they're just joking around anyway, but Jennie made it clear for the people she dislike that she doesn't like them, If she doesn't like you she'll show it, she doesn't have any filter after all. “Right, so how was teacher Kelsey so far?”

“She's not that bad, she teaches well and very patient especially for those beginners like me. and Mami,” Lia suddenly turned around and face her mom. “I'm thinking of inviting Junhoo to my dance class with me, what do you think?”

“Aunt Jisoo never mentioned Junhoo is interested in dancing, what did he say?”

“He said he'll think about it,” She shrugs. “I told him to try cuz there's really nothing wrong in trying, if he doesn't like it he can quit anytime but, what if he likes it? Imagine Mami, he never tried dancing cuz he thinks he didn't like it but then find out later on that dancing is really his passion?”

Jennie smiled. “Who told you that?”

“No one, I just think– I mean doesn't that what we are suppose to do?” She ask, genuinely curious. “trying different things to know what we want? I just personally think some of the adults are worried about the possible failure but not worried about the chances they could've miss.”

Jennie scrunched up her nose adorably and snuggle Lia closer to her. “You really are smart baby, Just like me.”

“Papi said I get it from her.”

“Don't listen to her, you get that from me.” She squeeze Lia tightly and peck her cheek tenderly. “And speaking off,” She pulled away slightly to cup Lia's face instead and pouted. “I was so glad nothing bad happened to you my baby, that papi of yours is really testing me lately I swear to god,”

“That's okay, I understand.” She shrugs and smile up at her Mami, cheekily. “At least I get a free cupcakes.”

Jennie squint her eyes and tap the younger ones nose playfully. “You know you can't just accept free food from anyone right?”

“No Mami! It's Rosé, teacher IU's cousin they're good people and Papi knows them.” Lia quickly said in her defence.

“Papi knows them?”

Mommy's Always Right! p.s Dada Said So ✈ JenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now