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“Miles, can you pass me the tomato sauce?”

Lia looked up from her plate when she didn't get a response from her brother. She frowned and held her hand out impatiently. “The tomato sauce?”

Levi looked at her blankly and shake his head. “You remember that one time in 2019 when you didn't bring me water when I asked you for it?”

“Oh my god why you keep bringing that up?! That was just one time!”

“I could be dead by now on that one time though. I was choking and you didn't bring me water.”

“You're upstairs! How am I supposed to know?”

The boy shrugged his shoulders and continue eating his burger. “The point is, I asked you a favor and you ignored it so I'll do the same.”

“Miles! just pass me the tomato sauce!”

“Hey Hey what's going on?” Lisa appear behind them and handed the tomato sauce to her daughter.

“Oh finally, thanks Pops.” Lia smiled and stuck out her tongue to her brother.

Lisa sat down beside the boy and looked up at the two after checking her phone. “So aunt Joy and Wendy have something to do today and they're gonna leave waine to us for the mean time and please Levi, can you stop making him cry again can you?”

The boy rolled his eyes. “I didn't make him cry intentionally okay? he was just being sensitive.”

Lisa was about to respond when a waitress interrupt them. The guy bow down and smiled. “Can I get your orders?”

“Strawberry milkshake for me please!” Lia beams brightly.

Lisa nods to the waitress. “Tequila for me and.. Orange juice for him.” she gestured to Levi who quickly glared at her.

“I'm not a kid!” The boy protested and pursed his lips. “I can order my orange juice myself.”

Lisa laughs and dismissed the waitress. “Sure buddy.” She looked down when her phone rings at the incoming call. “Hey gotta take this call for a second, wait for your drinks I'll be back.” Lisa stood up and walked out of the café.

“What are you doing?” Lia peek through Levi's side when she noticed the boy was typing rapidly on Lisa's other phone.


“Reporting the what?”

Levi put down the phone after he's done and face his sister. “I reported to Mami that Papi ordered tequila early in the morning.”

Lia slap him on the arm scolding him. “You idiot, she's going to be mad to papi!” She shouted but couldn't help to laugh at her brother's silliness.

“Hey, excuse me?”

Both of them looked up at the voice. The tall korean boy who's about 18 year old smiles and pointed to the seats in front of them. “Is this seat empty?”

“uh no we're actually–”

“Hey,” The boy widen his eyes and smirks towards Lia. “Have we met before? You look so familiar.”

The girl frown and shake her head. “I don't think so.”

“You look like my future girlfriend.” The boy chuckles and stroke his hair charmingly.

Lia grimaced internally and just nodded awkwardly thinking the stranger will leave eventually if she ignored him.

“You're so hot.”

Mommy's Always Right! p.s Dada Said So ✈ JenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now