The Shelter

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As Emi made her way to the animal shelter, she thought about what happened that day. Every time she thinks about Eraser, everything begins to pile up inside her mind to the point where she couldn't contain herself. 

Thoughts of how useless she had been overwhelmed her. Ignoring everyone around her, she stood there crying in front of the shelter.

Emi. Woman up, already. It would help if you got through this as much as it hurts. She thought, squeezing her face with her hands. Shaking off her anxiety as best as she could, she entered the building.

The sounds of crying animals overwhelmed her completely. Dogs barking, birds chirping, and cats meowing, and hissing tore her heart in two. At that moment, she wanted to take them all home with her. Unfortunately, her landlord wouldn't allow that to happen.

She stood in a line which placed her by the cats. While some were agitated, others were scared and curled into small bundles.

One cat caught her eye.

He was all black with a scar underneath his right eye. Its amber eyes were narrowed as it snarled, meowed, and even hissed at the people pass by.

She rushed out of line and made her way over to the angry animal.

"Awww... You're so cute! You must be so scared, huh, little one?" She cooed at the cat.

"Ma'am, I'd get away from there if I were you. We picked this one up earlier. He might be rabid or something," An employee explained as he waddled towards her.

"First, you're not me. Second, he's just frightened. Third, I want him in a cat carrier with a collar and paperwork in the next three minutes, unless you want to laugh to death," She shot at him. The man walked away in silence as she turned back to the cat in the glass.


After paying the adoption fee, she watched as the men struggle to put the cat in the carrier crate. Once they finally got it done, she purchased a white, bandage-looking collar for the kitty and made her way home with the animal in tow. 

As she hastily headed towards the bus stop, the sky began to darken. She boarded the crowded bus and sat down in the last remanding seat. Emi peered at the scared cat in delight as she brought him home.

"It's okay little guy; you're safe with me. I'm just going to take you to your new home," she murmured as she rested head against the window and waited for the bus to stop.

She had to sneak into her apartment because she forgot the pet policy of the complex. However, the young woman made it and set up a few necessities before she opened the crate.

Once she opened the carrier, the black cat bolted out and began running around the room, trying to find some way to escape.

For the first time in hours, Emi was finally able to crack a laugh. She laughed so hard she snorted and wheezed. The cat seemed to freeze in place as she laughed her head off.

Then it hit her. 

"I know what I'll name you. Junior. In honor of Shota Aizawa, who has gone M.I.A today during a mission."

Her tone and smile dropped as she fell to the floor in shock. Images of the bravest man she had ever met flashed before her eyes. How he had chased the cunning villain. How he had told, her to care for the injured. All of it, gone.

She began to cry as her emotions surfaced once again. Tears trickled down her cheeks; she hiccuped for air as she sobbed.

She cried so much; she didn't notice the lock click in the background. As the door creaked open, and a young woman walked in through the door in high spirits.

"I'm home, Emi!" The woman said as her footsteps echoed across the apartment.

The cat stared at the crying woman than at the entryway where the footage grew louder. He battled the pain of his owner's tears, and he braced himself for what was going to happen.

"Emi? What's wrong?!" The woman asked suddenly as she quickened her pace and fell beside Emi.

"What happened to you?!" She picked up Emi and hugged her, attempting to comfort the sobbing woman.

The woman had midnight purple hair and ice-blue eyes. She was tall and her hair stuck up in arranged spikes and reached down towards her lower back. She was beutiful, with her curvy feature defined by a white body suit with a black corset-bejeweled with red rubies that extended to the middle of her chest.

She had slim, red glasses on her ice blue eyes that are solely trained on the crying woman.

"Em, you're okay now. Tell me what happened. Is it the incident at the jewelry store?" She asked quietly as she contiued to embrace Emi.

"H-he left, then- then he was gone. The only thing the found was his binding cloth. And the c-criminal ran away. He disappeared. And no one seems to care. The fact that they couldn't find his body was a bad sign. F-For all I know, h-he could be d-dead..." She sobbed, hiccuping between sentences.

"Listen. We'll find him- I just know it. Now, dry your tears and tell me what the deal is with the cat," The other woman demanded as she gripped Emi's face.

"Well, Nemuri...He he... You know my therapist, right? She recommended that I adopt a pet in order to lighten my emotional baggage," Emi explained, softely trying to dry her eyes.

Nemuri sighed and approached the creature. As she reached down to touch the cat, it snarled and scratched her hand.

"What the-?!" She snapped at the cat, then whirled to Emi, "You just had to choose the feral tom-cat. You should get that thing neutered."

Emi gasped and trapping the meowing cat.

"Never! I'm already emotionally attached to him!"

"You named him, didn't you?" Nemuri asked bluntly as she got up and disappeared into a side room, leaving the door open. She emerged a second later.


"Yeah. His name is Junior," Emi said, sticking her nose up as she struggled to cuddle with the clawed cat as it squirmed and scratched and her chest.

"Owww!" Emi winced as she dropped Junior.

"What?!" Nemuri asked as she stuck her head out of the room, concerned of her friend's wellbeing.

"He scratched me!" Emi whined as she rubbed at her chest.

"Oh, god. Go take a shower."



Dear readers,

Sorry for the delay!! I got caught up in school and what-not. Anywho, expect the next chapter sometime this week. I plan to update when I can! I will set a schedule for updates once I get the hang of this.

Thank you,

Luciana Scarlet

Cat Got Your Tongue?-Originally by _gina17_Where stories live. Discover now