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ohhhh god

and i thought anthony padilla's shifting video was bad..




okay so for anyone who didn't know yet, a youtuber who goes by the name TheOdd1sOut has created a video called "My Thoughts On Reality Shifting". In this video he proceeds to rant about the topic and state why he believes it isn't real.

which i'll be honest, is FAIR.

what's NOT FAIR thooo..

is that he literally gives out so so SO much false information, hates on the shifting community, compares us to anti-vaxxers + flat earthers, says we're harming others, says we're just obsessed fans, tells people false info that has been debunked OVER and OVER again (like that shifting is just a lucid dream), acts as if we are just obsessive fangirls and doesn't even BOTHER to tell his fanbase to not harrass or attack us, since there are already so many trolls RAIDING our community.

i just want everyone to know that shifting is in fact REAL!! please don't lose hope!! just because a few youtubers talked about it in a negative light, doesn't mean it's fake!! so many youtubers have talked about it, and found out it WORKED for them! realize that the youtubers who talk negatively about shifting haven't even tried it themselves. the ones who talk positively about it either have alot of faith AND have actually researched it and tried it!!

also you don't have to obsess over shifting, you don't have to make your life about shifting, just live your life and love this life and practice shifting when u have time cause in the beginning i also made the mistake of making everything in my life about shifting, crying for hours cause i didn't want to be in this reality, and needless to say, shifting didn't work back then. only when i finally let go, when i started loving and living in this reality, i finally shifted. you should try and be grateful for this reality, try and see shifting as something fun to do instead of a way to escape this reality. <3

also people talking ab shifting are coming on tiktok saying it's fake, that it's lucid dreaming or maldaptive daydreaming and everytime i prove em wrong they literally block me and call ME the delusional one like bitch please🤡

with that being said,

this will be the end of my rant :) just know that you'll shift soon, and don't lose hope angels <3

also, one more thing, theOdd1sOut's video was the 111th one posted on his channel. coincidence? I THINK NOT BBYGIRL. if anything, it's a sign that you SHOULD AND CAN SHIFT RN!!

happy shifting/respawning my loves!!

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