✨a normal day in U.A.

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(the pic is a random drawing i drew lol)

ugh, not me saying i'll update this book and then leaving you guys for a whole month😩 or even more, who knows??

tbh at first i was planning on not updating at all LJAJSJAJA bUT THEB YA'LL KEPT COMING AND COMING LIKE I HAVE 700 READS NOW?!??! THANK YOU ALL SM FOR READING😭💗


anyways, this'll be a long one!! (to me— hehe)
2000+ wordsss!!! yesyes😌

also this time i PINKY PROMISE, i'll start updating more!!! i have alot of chapters ready already!! just gotta edit them a bit and finish some things so yesyes💓

but anyways, w all that being said lets start!

hii angels!!🌸

today i'll be telling you guys what i usually do on a normal school day! (in U.A., obviously ;) )

also there will be more story's coming!! especially since i shifted a few days ago again (and i shifted back in class like😭 i was so dissapointed too💀)

and this will be from my REALISTIC dr!! all i've scripted is my relationships, that i'll pass every test and just changed my appearance a bit but i kept insecurities cause i'm slowly starting to love em and i don't want to mess up my progress, so if you see me complaining, no i won't script the bad things out cause i love complaining + i kinda like the fact that i have normal U.A. student problems😤 (also i may or may not have had a bit of a bad day shifting last time (thanks dr dad🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼) so i'm a bit pissed ok)

so firstly, i wanna say that U.A. has schools on saturday's aswell.
so basically you'll only be free on sunday.

and bestie lemme tell you i absolutely hate that-

i've tried arguing w mr. aizawa to just, idk, ✨make it change✨
but uh, he didn't really agree with me💀
but i got kinda mad and went to principle Nezu.. he didn't agree w me neither— which is a whole other story (tell me if you want a story vtime on that cause some shit went down, ending up w me in detention with denki, kirishima and mina.. also it was kinda embarrasing and cringy— i'M SO MAD AT MYSELF💀)

but anyways, now onto my ✨mORNING ROUTINEE✨

so firstly, i wake up at 8. YES. I WAKE UP LATE. AND WHAT ABOUT IT??

like the others really be up at 6 taking showers (yes i'm talking about YOU, IIDA) every morning HELL NAH.
i'm gonna sleep the fuck in😭💀
also i don't take daily showers, i shower once in the 3-4 days😭 IS THAT UNHYGENIC?? LIKE FR I DON'T GET WHY IT'S SO BAD— like i get 4/5 days being too much, which only happens when i'm too lazy to do shit but like cOME ON, 3 DAYS AIN'T THAT LONG??


so i have about 25 minutes to get ready and in that time i just put on my uniform (which is really tight around my chest, love that for me since i'm already insecure😭💀), unbraid my hair and just leave it be or i put it in a high ponytail depending on my mood and my temper (cause fr my hair sometimes be all up in my face like get the fuck out— especially since my hair is a lil curly and really damn long in my dr)
eat breakfast, brush teeth and head onto class..
which i'm always almost late for (and literally kirishima makes fun of me for it😭💀 like stfu you're not manly enough w your strawberry ass hair to fucking judge me but go off ig😤) but uh we don't talk about that😍

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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