Chapter Forty-Three

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My headache wakes me up, and a sick feeling comes to my stomach

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My headache wakes me up, and a sick feeling comes to my stomach. I can't tell if it's because I'm hungry or because I've been drugged.

I'm lying on a concrete floor, and my back hurts immensely. I sit up and examine my surroundings. I'm in a cell about the size of a bathroom. There are four concrete walls, and a large door on one of them. There's a tiny window on the wall across from the door; it's big enough to fit both arms but that's it.

It smells like murky water in here, it's cold and dirty. The floors are full of dust and dirt, the door looks like a vault.

Panic fills my body like a flowing river. I push myself onto my feet and instantly tip over onto my hip, which slams against the ground.

"Fuck." I mumble, trying to hold myself up, but I'm too weak. I can't even stand up.

My breaths are tremulous and unsteady. There's no way out of here, and I'm going to be stuck on earth forever as a ghost. This is it. I'm never ever going to see Nick or Brooke or Tanner or Jack ever again. I will have to mourn my troubles as a ghost and do whatever ghosts do on earth.

I bet Colton could escape, though. But how? What would he do? He would find a way to pick at the lock on the handle, but I don't know how to do that. I'm not prepared like he is. I don't even know if he's still alive-- or dead-- I don't know.

What is he doing right at this moment? If he wanted to, he could just go to the Underworld himself and look for Nick. He probably doesn't want me dragging him back anyway, I would just be an inconvenience for him down there.

That means that I have to get out of this mess by myself, I can't rely on him to come and help me, he doesn't even know where I am. I don't know if I'm about to be tortured or even killed.

I have better chances of not being murdered since Colton said that these men are human traffickers, but that also means that I would be transported anywhere in the world where I could be used as an object to anyone who wanted to buy me.

I crawl towards the door, my arms giving out on me every few seconds. The door has a standard handle, and it's locked from the outside with a key. There's a key hole on my side that I can potentially get through if I had an object to pick it with.

I scan the floors, looking around at the dirt that infested the ground, but there's nothing in sight that can fit into a keyhole.

I'm finished. I can't do anything now, there's no way I'm saving myself unless I find something to pick a lock. That happening has the same odds as Colton miraculously coming to save me.

I have seen so many documentaries about sex trafficking, yet I never thought I would be a victim of it. I know that the chances of escaping are almost zero. The women that actually do escape have to wait years before they are able to. I can't afford to waste a few days, or else I wouldn't be able to save Nick or myself. And I don't doubt that Colton would leave me here and save himself.

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