chapter 1

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"Navy blue."

"Wrong," Jisoo sighs, putting her cardigan down. "It's not blue." She raises her cardigan up again, holding it up for Lisa to see.

Lisa squints her eyes. "Indigo?"

"Wrong." Jisoo replies, rolling her eyes at Lisa. "That's still a shade of blue, dumbass."

"How am I supposed to know what shades are?" Lisa slumps her head on the table, burying her head in her arms.

"You're a photography major," Jisoo points out, an unamused look on her face as she stares at the Thai woman disappointedly. "You out of all of us should know what shades are."

Lisa pokes her head out. "Whatever." The younger woman buries her head in her arm again, groaning in boredom.

"Lisa, how many times do I have to remind you that these tables aren't clean." Jennie says, without bothering to look up from her laptop, too busy typing out notes from her lecture.

"And how many times have I told you to quit being a nerd and pay attention to me?" Lisa whines, sitting back up, with her shoulders slumped. "I die without attention, Ni. You know that."

Jennie doesn't even need to look up to see her best friend pouting, bottom lip out, all child-like.

(She knows her like the back of her hand)

"I'm studying for tomorrow's midterm- which you should also be studying for." Jennie points out. Statistics. She hates the class with her whole heart. The only thing that makes it bearable is having Lisa there with her. She doesn't understand why she needs the class- when will the p-value ever be important in law?

They have computers for that now.

... She supposes it might have something to do with the fact that she flunked math in high school with a capital F.

Jennie grimaces.

She excels in everything but math. Luckily enough, Lisa's there in the class to help her this time around. The younger woman had always excelled in math, sharing the same calculus class with Jisoo back in high school.

Lisa's always been so carefree about her studies, yet still manages to pass. It's something she's always envied from her best friend. Her ability to be laid back about everything and still pass with flying colors.

In fact, Lisa's carefree enough to take a class she doesn't need, just to help Jennie pass.

Realizing she hasn't said anything, Jennie clears her throat and speaks out, her eyes still trained on her laptop. "Jisoo-unnie's giving you attention."

Lisa sighs. "It's not the same as when you give me attention."

Jennie stills.

With the 10 years' worth of friendship with the Thai girl, she hoped that her flirty nature would somehow have less of an effect on her by now. She hoped that she'd be somewhat used to it.


Instead, the only thing that the past 10 years has served, is her ability to pretend like Lisa has no effect on her.

Jisoo snorts. "Get a room."

— that is, to everyone but Jisoo.

Kim Jisoo came waltzing into her life during their sophomore year of high school, with her refreshing sense of humor and ability to easily paint a smile on everyone's faces. Jennie thought that Jisoo's sudden presence would cause an unbalance in her friendship with Lisa- because when on earth did friendships of three ever work out? But instead, Jisoo fit perfectly into their friendship- almost like they had known her their entire lives.

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