chapter 5

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"We have to make her leave."

Jennie halts her reading and looks up from her phone. Her eyes falling on Lisa and her navy blue pleated skirt, paired with a matching navy blue polo shirt. Her light brown hair braided into two. Jennie's dressed in a pair of comfortable black pants, a black ribbed crop top, her gold necklace falling perfectly on her chest.

Lisa's definition of early was not, in fact, early. Jennie found herself awake at Lisa's first alarm, struggling to fall back asleep, opting to start her day early while Lisa slept in. She doesn't blame her though. The drive must have taken a toll on her body.

"Lisa," she says warningly. Her lips turned to a frown.

"What?" Lisa asks, combing her bangs into place, spraying it with hairspray in front of the mirror. She turns around with huff. "It's the first step." She says, one hand on her hip.

Jennie shakes her head. "That's not nice." She points out. She puts her phone in her pocket, crossing her arms to her chest and leaning back on the sofa.

"C'mon," Lisa pleads with her, her shoulder giving out. "We won't do anything drastic." She says. "Or mean."

Guilt swirls in her stomach. The urge to pull out of their little plan swarms through her mind.

See, agreeing to the plan seemed fine at first. Getting Lisa and Rosé together at the expense of her own heart was fine. She can handle that. At least, she'd like to think she can.

But breaking another person's heart in the grand scheme of things?

That's not fine at all.

Bae Suzy is innocent in all this. She doesn't deserve to be collateral damage.

Lisa sighs, joining her on the sofa, their shoulders brushing together. "Ni, i know what you're thinking," Lisa says softly, her face equally as guilty as Jennie's. "But I don't think their relationship is entirely stable."

Jennie shakes her head. "But she came." Jennie points out. "She's here to fix it."

"There shouldn't be anything to fix in the first place if she was treating her right." Lisa argues, annoyance in her voice.

Jennie brings the pendant to her lips, pressing it hard against her bottom lip, a habit she does when she's nervous, her other hand tucked into her chest. She takes a minute to gather her thoughts. "I don't want her to get hurt." She focuses her eyes on the wooden coffee table.

Lisa's lets out a sigh. "I know," she says. "Me too." The younger woman shifts around on the sofa.

A beat passes.

"But I'm Rosie's soulmate." The softness in her voice makes Jennie look up, her eyes locking with Lisa's.

Another twinge of guilt swirls inside her.

Jennie swallows. "Your soulmate." She drops her pendant.

The lie weighs heavy on her. Her own heart begging, clawing for her to tell the truth. Telling her now would save her from breaking Suzy's heart too.

Be brave.

Jennie sits up with every part of her body tingling, urging her to tell the truth.

It's the right thing to do.

So she does.

She wets her lip and places her hands to her lap. It's now or never.

She takes a deep breath. "Lisa I-"

"-I wanna be happy, Jen." Lisa cuts her off, beating her to it. Her voice so small, so unrecognizable. Her usual loud and sunny demeanor now suddenly replaced with full vulnerability. It sends an ache to her chest. "And being with my soulmate, I know that'll make me happy." Lisa says, her eyes not leaving Jennie's.

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