lonely hearts

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ben.jammin: Richie what is this?

trashmouthtw: it's a lonely hearts club

dmaster134: Wait I don't have a lonely heart

trashmouthtw: what

dmaster134: Yeah I have a girlfriend

trashmouthtw: no you don't

willthewise: hahahaahaha

dmaster134: Yes I do

trashmouthtw: well then what's her name??

dmaster134: Suzie

trashmouthtw: SUZIE

trashmouthtw: you have a made up girlfriend named SUZIE??!!

dmaster134: She's not made up!

trashmouthtw: will? does this man speak the truth??

willthewise: I feel like I cannot confirm nor deny

dmaster134: William!

willthewise: Dustin!

dmaster134: William Henry Byers!!

trashmouthtw: HENRY!

stannotaman: Shut up Wentworth

trashmouthtw: ok DONALD

ben.jammin: Ahhh

trashmouthtw: oh hey ben what's up

trashmouthtw: what's your middle name

ben.jammin: Wait why am I here

dmaster134: Way to dodge the question

trashmouthtw: because you obviously like someone

trashmouthtw: spill the beans

ben.jammin: Wait how did you know?

stannotaman: First of all, you literally kissed her

stannotaman: And also "you're hair is winter fire"??

ben.jammin: Okay okay I get it

trashmouthtw: also the "springtime mud"

trashmouthtw: you really are a poet

trashmouthtw: how did that line make you feel, stan?

stannotaman: Richie

ben.jammin: wait what

trashmouthtw >> stannotaman

trashmouthtw: oh my fucking god

trashmouthtw: I'm such an idiot

trashmouthtw: stan I'm so sorry

trashmouthtw: I'm so fucking sorry


stannotaman: Yeah so Ben um I haven't told any of the losers yet but I'm gay

ben.jammin: Oh

ben.jammin: Why haven't you told the others?

stannotaman: I don't know. I just don't want people to think of me differently

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