Chapter 15: Mom

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Earlier at Abby's Pov

       Dad called me, he said I need to settle things with Mom. Para hindi n'ya na kami guluhin.

       And that shit is hard, Mom's not a big fan of me having good relationship with non celestial people, kaya mahihirapan akong kausapin s'ya ukol dito.

       She dictates every thing I need to do, which made our relationship worst. Everytime na ayaw kong gawin pinapagawa n'ya dahil hindi ko gusto 'yong inutos n'ya ay magagalit s'ya, trashy attitude she have right?

        Finally I got here, I hide my wings. "Supp Abby, goodluck sa mama mo." Alice

        "Ang bilis naman mag laganap ng balita na kakausapin ako ni Mom." I rolled my eyes.

        "Uh, of course I know." Sabagay, pinag kakatiwalaan pala s'ya ni Dad.

        "Well, goodluck parin. I know it's shit pero goodluck." Hindi ko alam kung sarcastic pagkaka goodluck n'ya or what e.

        Paakyat na ako sa main room, kabado at hindi alam ang gagawin.

       Rinig ko ang usapan nila mula rito sa labas, "Just let our daughter do whatever she wants." Boses ni Dad

       "Pa'no ko s'ya hahayaan kung p'wedeng masira pagka celestial being n'ya? I'm just proctecting our daughter!" Pasigaw na sagot ni Mom.

       "Protecting her by manipulating her surroundings and almost her life?!" Sagot ni Dad

       "Don't get me wrong! Hindi nakikinig sa'tin 'yang anak mo dahil sa katigasan ng ulo! You're giving her too much free will! And I just did that to maintain her position." Mom

       Hindi ko alam kung papasok pa ako, hawak hawak ko na ang doorknob. I didn't know that my mother is manipulating everything in my life.

       "I SHOULD gave her the free will she deserves! Hindi ako tulad mo na personal gain lang ang gusto. Anak ko s'ya, it's my responsibility to treat her right!" I twisted the knob on accident which gain their attention.

        "Abelaine?" Dad

        Binuksan ko na ang pinto at pumasok, "Kanina ka pa d'yan?" Mom

       I grin, "Yeah, to the point that I heard all of your argument about my free will and your manipulation." I punched the wall which made a hole.

       "All this time Mom you're manipulating me?! What did you do?" Lumapit ako sakan'ya nang galit na galit.

       "I did it because I'm protecting you!" Mom

       "Protecting from what?! I'M AN ANGEL! I'M THE DAUGHTER OF SAMAEL (another name of Lucifer), AND THE DAUGHTER OF YOU! Didn't you think I can make my own decisions for my OWN life?!" Sigaw ko sakan'ya.

        "Because your dad's giving you too much free will! The humanity's changing you! You're an angel pero mas pinili mong manirahan sa earth? And you really became a vampire just for that?!" Mom

         "That's our deal, I'll let her go to earth but I'll make her a vampire when she's there." Dad

         "Well that seems to be not working Lucifer, can't you see that her powers were coming back? Wings now, what would come next?" Mom

          "You're degrading our daughter, she can control it." Dad

         "Oh, you must be kidding me. When Elyse and Therissa died what did Abby did? She ALMOST wiped out the humanity. Kung hindi ko pa s'ya pinadampot kay Brei at ibalik dito sa lungga n'yo edi mas marami pang mamamatay, at hindi lang mga tao." Mom

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