Chapter 2: A "Great" First Impression #2

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"Nice name!" Fireheart said before realizing that he had to get his schedule from the principal. "Sorry, I have to go get my schedule. It was nice to meet you!" And with that, he sped off towards the office, he knew where it was since he visited it with his mother the other day.

"Oh wait! I didn't even ask when classes start!" Fireheart mentally face palmed himself annoyed but ignored the feelings trying to find a bright side to the problem. "I mean like, I think I could have one time to be late today since I'm new. That should be a little bit ok. . ."

As Fireheart sped through the halls he found a sign hanging above a room with the label "PRINCIPALS OFFICE", Fireheart smiled a little bit before realizing that he was about to enter an office that probably had teachers, the principal, student-teachers, etc.

When the fiery-haired student knocked on the door, he heard loud footsteps, and the door opened revealing the principal.

(The Principal doesn't do anything to the story by the way :/)

"Oh hello! You must be a Fireheart right?" The principal observed looking the student up and down.

"Uhm- Yes- I am." The bloke remarked as he walked in.

Fireheart sat down finding a seat in front of the desk placing his bag on the floor. The principal sat down in his seat and pulled open a drawer to his right.

"I'm assuming that you're here for your school schedule. Just to let you know that each day changes regularly just so that all students get to be in different classes and this also helps with bullying problems." The principal explained when he saw that Fireheart nodded in understanding.

"Sorry, I'm going off on a tangent. Sorry sorry." He apologized scratching the back of his head.

Fireheart stiffened nervously, just shook his head, and raised his hands in defense to reassure the principal that he wasn't doing anything wrong. At least 10 minutes passed when he got 4 papers

(Three of those papers had the schedules on both sides of the papers while one paper just had the schedule on one side)

The teacher leaned over to grab their microphone, pushed one of the buttons, and called for one of the students.

"Mr. Tallstar, could you please come to the principal's office please? Thank you."

(Fireheart wasn't paying attention so he didn't really know who was called down :/)

After a few minutes of awkward silence someone knocked on the door and when the person came in Fireheart recognized the student. It was Tallstar, the very person who he had bumped into the very morning.

Fireheart was surprised, but Tallstar just ignored it and gave an awkward smile.

(UwU Surprised Pikachu face)

"I assume that by your faces you two have met each other before." The principal said.

The two boys looked at each other awkwardly before turning to the principal and opened their mouths.

________________________________________________________________________________HAHAHAHA I'm leaving you guys on a cliffhanger fjdklafjdskahfdjskla

But srsly I'm really sorry for not updating I've been busy with lots of things and school lol but Hopefully, 2021 gets better! :D

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