Chapter Seven

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"Why did you leave me Luli?"

"Did you think I was never going to find you?"

I could smell tobacco and whiskey on his warm breath, which was now breathing down the back of my neck. I felt the hairs on my arms stand up.  I froze as two strong arms wrapped around me, gliding over my waist.

"E-eddie?" I croaked out as I tried to push myself out of his grasp, using my nails to claw at his forearms. He tightened his grip and enhaled deeply, breathing in the sweet scent of fear.

"You'll never to be able to get rid of me" He whispered in my ear, grazing his lips on lobe. My whole body felt like hardened cement, heavy and hard to move. Hot kisses traveled down my neck and a wandering hand moved down to my jean buttons.  Inside I was kicking and screaming and yelling, but on the outside all I could do I stand there paralyzed.

In the dimly lit alley way I could hear a low droning noise, a familiar noise. As Eddie placed his other free hand firmly on my breast all I could hear was that low droning.


My eyes flew open as I felt myself violently being shook.

"Luli, are you ok?" A frantic Glenda asked as I adjusted my eyes to the darkness around me. I was just in my room, Glenda concerned and my alarm blaring. Not usually how I spent most of my mornings; only when I had that same nightmare.

"I'm ok, I'm ok" I reassured her as I sat myself up in bed, reaching over to turn on my table lamp. The lights flickered on and I could see Glenda's beautifully twisted face clearly now. Her worried face relaxed and was shortly replaced with a small smile.

"You know it's just a dream Luli. Ain't no way he'll find us here" She said sweetly, patting her hand on my knee. She said that every time I had that dream, but I think it reassures her moreso than me. She smashed her hand on my alarm clock, the now rapid beep beep beeps silenced.

"I don't know why you still have that fucking thing, who uses alarm clocks anymore" She laughed, and I rolled my eyes.

"People who don't believe in cell phones" I retorted as I pushed the blankets off and outstretched my legs. "I'm gonna take a quick shower then meet you at the bar" I added as made my way to the bathroom.

"Okay, make sure to wear your hair up and put on those jeans that make your ass look good. Gotta look good for your 18th birthday!" She shouted as she trailed down the hall and into the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes playfully and stared at the tired looking face in front of me. I looked 18, but felt 80. I slipped out of my cotton shorts and oversized shirt, now looking at the piled heap in the floor. I'll have to pick that up later.

I quickly took a shower, letting the scalding water pour over me as I washed out the strawberry scented shampoo from my now auburn colored hair. Dyed it every so often to keep myself unrecognizable to any ghosts from my past. One in particular. I hopped out and stared at myself in the mirror once more, now looking less dead.

I threw on the aforementioned jeans; which I must admit make my butt look nice and a low cut top that Glenda retired to me. I ran my fingers through my hair, which barely reached touched my shoulders. I'll keep it down tonight I thought to myself as I applied a shimmery lilac shade to my lids. Glenda taught me how to wear makeup for the first time, one of the many firsts she taught me.

I made my way to the bar we worked at, Mccormicks, an up and coming place some people might say. In this little town of Woodrose, TX it was the only source of entertainment. Now you might be asking, how did we end up in Texas. Well how does anyone end up anywhere?

"Happy birthday Randi!" Bartender and owner Jason Mccormick bellowed as I walked through the doorway. Don't mind the fake name, having a crazy man who may or may not be looking for you will cause you to go incognito. Cheers came from all around as the bar regulars tipped their beer bottles towards me. I smiled shyly and waved at everyone as I took my usual seat at the end of the bar.

"Happy birthday gorgeous" Jason smiled, showing perfectly straight teeth. He was one of those John Wayns types, one who held doors open for ladies and helped little old grandmas across the street but could kick your ass while holding a beer. Standing at 6'5, with muscles from growing up on a farm, and curly blonde hair he was quite the catch as Glenda would say. I guess she was right, considering they've been going pretty steady for the last 4 years.  He slid a glass of Big Red in front of me and a basket of fries. "It's on the house for my favorite girl" he added as I reached for my purse.

"Second favorite" Glenda added as she  brushed past him, filling up an empty pitcher with beer. He kissed her on the cheek and slid his hand over her back pants pocket as she giggled.

"Not in front of the kid" she whispered, biting her lip.

"Not a kid anymore" I reminded her, taking a sip of my drink. "Officially old enough to enlist in the Army".

"Well birthday girl, here's to being an adult" She said as she poured us a shot each, watching Jason walk to the back to restock. "Make sure to finish that before he gets back hmm?" She added eyeing the double doors that led to the back. I nodded and quickly downed the shot, the liquid burning the back of my throat. For someone who came from a family of alcoholics, liquor really wasn't my way of having fun.

"Gotta head back to work kid, but at 9 me and Jason have a little surprise for you" Glenda gleamed as she grabbed her now full pitcher.

"Can't wait" I replied nibbling on my French fries. She sash-shayed away, swinging her hips.

I observed the people around me, mostly country hicks who came here to drown their sorrows or to pick fights in the parking lot. Reminded me a lot of the bar back home, the one where Tammy and my Daddy spent most of my childhood. Even Jason reminded me a lot of Ray, who I read in the news got shot in a bar fight about a year ago. I thought about going down to the funeral but I couldn't risk blowing my cover.
I couldn't risk a lot of things.

"Buy you a beer?" An oddly familiar voice asked. I snapped my head up from my now cold fries and met the gaze of two bright green eyes. I froze in my seat as the tall, lanky cowboy took a seat at the barstool next to me.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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