Chapter Three

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Eddie's house was in fact, nice. I thought it'd be some worn down, screen door, broken window piece of shit like mine was back home. But the oak wood exterior said otherwise. The inside was even nicer. It had that Homes and Garden feel to it, the kind of home I always dreamed about having.

"I can take your clothes for you" Eddie said, walking up next to me. I handed him a weeks worth of dirty laundry and he hobbled to the next room.

I examined the pictures on the fireplace mantle, where pictures of a younger Eddie resided. He couldn't of been more than 20 in these pictures, telling by his non-existent worry lines. He still had the same crooked smile, and the same mischievous glint in his eyes. He was posing next to a Branco, obviously this was before his accident. One picture that caught me attention though, was not of Eddie, but of a woman. She appeared to be in her early 20's, with long auburn hair down to her waist. She was dressed in a thin white sundress, that cut off right below her knees. She was gorgeous. The more I looked at the photos the more I realized she was in a lot of them. Either standing next to Eddie, or hugging Eddie.

"Her name was Ellie." Eddie spoke, causing me to jump. He gingerly held the picture frame in his hand, closing his eyes

"Who is she?" I asked curiously, looking back at the picture of this Ellie person.

"She was my wife." Eddie said opening his eyes, his voice heavy.

"Was?" I questioned.

"She died a few years back. Labor." He muttered. I could tell he was upset, obviously he loved this girl. And labor? Did he lose his baby too?

"Oh, Eddie" I said, turning around to hug him. He squeezed me tight as he rested his head on top of mine. I could hear his heartbeat, beating like wildfire.

"I uh, noticed you don't have very many clothes" He broke from our embrace, embarrassed.

"Uh yeah..." I replied equally embarrassed.

"Well your in luck, I'm taking you shopping. You'd like that, wouldn't you?" He asked nervously.

"Uh yeah" I said looking down at my feet.

"Well let's get a move on" He said, placing the picture back on the mantle.

There weren't many shops in town, but eventually we found one that catered to women under size 12.

"Isn't this pretty?" Eddie asked, holding up a baby blue dress, with white eyelet lace. I ran my finger along the hem, feeling the lace.

"I bet you'd look really pretty in it" He added, holding the dress up to my shoulders. I had to admit, it was pretty.

"I could see myself wearing it" I admitted. Eddie smiled, proud of his choice. I picked out a few more dresses, and a couple pair of shorts, along with shirts to coordinate.

"Are you sure this isn't too much?" I asked as Eddie and I walked to the checkout counter.

"Will that be all for today?" The cashier asked, eyeing me. He was about 16 or 17, with dirty blond hair and light green eyes. According to his name tag, his name was Ryan.

"Yep, that'll be all" Eddie replied pulling out a crisp $100 bill.

"Eddie, that's a lot of money" I whispered.

"It's fine" He whispered back, patting my back gently.

"Now that you have pretty new dresses, I was thinking we could go out to dinner tonight. Some place fancy" Eddie said as we drove down the road.

"Yeah. I'd like that" I replied, actually excited to eat at somewhere other than a bar or diner.

We drove back to his house where he showed me a room I could stay in. Compared to the rest of the house, it wasn't much, but it had a bed and a side table.

"I really haven't gotten to decorating rooms" He chuckled nervously as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"It's fine, comfy" I said as I sat down on the bed. It really was, way nicer than my mattress back home.

"Th-that's good, right? How about you put your new clothes in the closet right over yonder" He suggested, pointing to a door in the far corner of the room.

"You wanted to take a shower right? I'll get your water started" He added staring at his brass toed boots.

"Alright, I'll be out in a minute" I replied, grabbing the bag of clothes. And with that he left, it was just me, the closet, and the clothes. I could hear the water running as I hung my new dresses in the closet, deciphering if I should actually give Eddie a chance. I can't lie, I have thought about me and him. Not that I'd ever admit it. I think he really likes me, and no boy ever has.

"Your water's running. Bathrooms right across the hall" Eddie said, interrupting me from my thoughts. He was standing in the doorway, with his hands in his pockets. How long had he been standing there?

"Alright." I replied as I grabbed a pair of shorts and a shirt.

"Why don't you wear one of your dresses? Doll up for dinner?" He asked, now leaning in the doorway. I nodded and grabbed the baby blue dress and smiled at him.

"Excuse me" I said shyly, trying to get past Eddie. He didn't budge, just stood there with a dazed look. He moved a strand of hair from my face with his index finger and smiled.

"Eddie..." I whispered, still trying to get past this man standing in front of me. He sighed, but let me through. I quickly entered the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I stripped down and eased my way under the shower head, hot water droplets hitting my skin. I stood there, letting the hot water glide down my body. I hadn't showered in days. I washed my hair and my body with a bar of soap, the only thing available. Knowing Eddie would be expecting me, I hastily got out and wrapped a towel around my thin frame. I threw on the dress, realizing I hadn't brought any panties with me. I guess I was going commando. I partially dried my hair with the now damp towel and wiped the steam from the mirror. I was starting not to recognize the girl that stood in front of me.

I opened the door, causing the steam to exit along with me. Eddie was nowhere in sight. I retreated to my room, and slipped on my sandals. I sat on the bed, and traced my finger along the hem of the blanket. I wonder what Tammy's doing, probably still out with that Lux fellow. And Daddy, he's probably slumped over some bar stool.

"You ready to go?" Eddie asked, appearing in the doorway once again. He had changed his clothes, he exhaled his dingy button up for a black silk one, along with a black blazer. His blue jeans were replaced with dark grey dress pants, but he wouldn't be Eddie without his cowboy boots.

"Yeah. You look nice" I commented, standing up, as a broad smile stretched across his face.

"Well thank you Darlin, you don't look half bad yourself" He said, his eyes looking up and down my body. I looked down in embarrassment, smiling a tad. What will tonight bring?

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