Chapter One

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"The cheapest motherfuckers in the world, rich people" Eddie sneered as we drove in the pitch black darkness. I sat uncomfortably in the passenger seat, still startled from Eddie's outburst at the hotel.

"You know, the rich get richer and the poor get the picture. You get it straight" He rambled on, visibly upset. I didn't say a word, just stared at the road ahead of us.

"Now, that rich fuck, he don't deserve you. He just wants one thing. But you know that right?" He asked, waiting for an answer. I let out a fake laugh and turned to him.

"Who does deserve me? You?"

"May-may-maybe we deserve each other Luli" He stammered. What the hell? My heart started beating in my chest 100 miles a minute as he continued on.

"Did you ever think that maybe we're some kind of starcrossed souls, destined?" He asked, his mouth twitching a nervous half smile.

"Do you?" I asked looking down at my legs.

"Luli, do you ever, do you ever think of you and me?" He asked with his cigarette shaking between his index and middle finger. I turned to him with my eyes narrowed.

"Are you serious?" I asked, my fists clenching to my bag.

"Yeah, yeah I'm serious." He responded, his face visibly serious.

"No, I'm fucking--" He quickly added, laughing as he turned his direction back to the road. He en-haled and tuned to me once more.

"Luli, what if I was serious?" He asked drawing his cigarette to his lips. I looked at him in pure confusion as he exhaled, smoke entering my nostrils.

"I need you to pull over. I need you to pull over the car" I said, an uneasy feeling started in my stomach.

"You gonna run back to your rich friend?" He half joked, drawing the cigarette back into his mouth.

"Pull over the car." I repeated sternly, as his face began to twist up. He looked over at me for a whole second, tears welling up in his eyes. He stopped next to a corn field, and parked the car. I quickly threw on my denim half jacket and grabbed my bag.

"Luli, stay." He muttered. I opened the car door and turned back to look at him.

"Stay with me, Luli" He asked, tears streaming down his face.

"Please." He croaked. I stood there, stuck. There's a part of me that was scared. But there was also a part of me that cared about this man in front of me. Man. He was a man Luli, and your just a 13 year old that ran away from home. Where else am I supposed to go? It's pitch black outside and we're in the middle of nowhere. Mama probably hasn't even realized I'm gone. And Dad, he doesn't even know I'm gone. What about Glenda? She didn't want to deal with a troublemaker like me, no wonder she left me with Eddie. Maybe I'm supposed to be with Eddie. It seemed like he was the only person who cared about me, maybe even love me.

"Alright Eddie, I'll stay." I said as his face brightened. I sat back down in the passenger seat and looked over at him.

"You-you had me scared there for a whole minute Darlin'" He said, his voice shakey, as he wiped the tears from his face.

"Just drive Eddie" I said bluntly, wondering if I had made the right choice.

"Alright, alright" He said as he started the car. As we passed the corn field I stared out the window, wondering what my life would be like now.

"Luli, I promise I'll make you the happiest women on Earth" Eddie said looking over at me, placing his free hand on mine. I flinched but kept mine under his. He sensed my uneasiness and returned his hand to the steering wheel.

"If you'd just let me" He muttered under his breath.

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