Chapter Five

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The last 3 weeks living with Eddie and let's just say , it's been interesting. He tries so hard to impress me, too hard in fact. Almost everyday he buys me a gift, either it be gas station jewelry, candy, perfume, or flowers. And everyday I politely decline, but he still places flowers on my nightstand and candy on my bed. Lately he's been leaving me at home saying " It's no place for a lady like you " and with the seriousness of his voice, I believe him.

"Luli, Luli wake up!" I faintly heard Eddie scream. I blinked my eyes open, scared. I could hear his heavy footsteps coming up the stairs, causing me to freeze.

"We have to go. GET UP NOW" He yelled, slamming open my door. I scrambled to get up as he ripped clothes from their hangers and into a duffle bag. I followed him out the back door and to his truck.

"Eddie, what's going on?" I asked, trembling.

"I got myself into some trouble Darlin. Big trouble" He said, pushing 90 on the empty highway.

"Please slow down" I whispered, my arm shaking as I tried to slid the seat belt on.

"Don't be afraid. It'll all be fine. We got each other, right?" He said, letting his foot off the gas just a tad. He carassed my cheek with his slender hand in an attempt to comfort me.

"I know. We'll go to Las Vegas like you wanted. You'd like that, right?" He asked, flashing a smile. I nodded nervously and stared out the window. Maybe in Vegas I'll be truly happy.

3 hours of driving later, we reached a motel. "Luli? You awake?" He asked, nudging my arm.

"Yep." I replied staring at the red and blue motel sign.

"I'll go get us a room. You stay here" He said kissing me on the cheek. I discretely smiled as my cheek burned with red. He limped to the check in office where he kept on looking back at me. I waved at him and he waved back in return. In the distance was a pay phone, something Eddie forbid in the house, i.e communication. From what I could see Eddie was still in the office. I shoved my hand in my pocket clutching the few coins I had. Here was my chance to go back home. But the thing was, did I really want to go home? Has Tammy even recognized I'm gone? Maybe I could call Glenda, maybe she was regretting leaving me. Probably not. But it wouldn't hurt to find out. I sneaked out from the truck, making sure not to slam the door. I glided to the phone, with my eye still on Eddie in the front office. I pulled out a quarter and slid it in the slot, waiting for the operator to pick up. As I waited I looked up to see an empty office.

"Whatcha doing there Luli?" Eddie asked coming up beside me. I dropped the phone, not knowing what his reaction would be.

"You know. Just getting some fresh air." I said lying through my teeth.

"Well let's get going to the room. Too much fresh air and you'll catch a cold" He said slowly, seeming to fall for my lie.

"One bed?" I asked peering into the room. It was your typical dingy motel, with peeling wallpaper and stained carpet.

"Oh come on Luli, I'm not going to bite" He said walking past me and placing the duffle bag on the floor.
I slowly walked in, sitting on the foot of the bed.

"Ain't no time for sitting, we got a long day tomorrow. You should go back to sleep." Eddie said unbuttoning his shirt. Following his advice, I slipped under the covers and laid there awkwardly. Pretty soon he was in the bed next to me, flipping off the lamp.

"Luli?" Eddie asked turning to face me.

"Yes Eddie?" I asked, shifting uncomfortably. I could feel his hand slide over mine, causing me to jerk away.

"Do you mind if I turn on the tv?" I asked nervously reaching for the remote.

"By all means." He said dully, moving his hand.

Pretty soon Eddie's snores joined in with the droning of the tv, letting me know the coast was clear. I quietly and carefully snuck out of the bed, making sure not to wake Eddie. I slipped out of the door, making sure not to close it all the way. It was still dark out, with few cars driving near the highway. I sprinted to the pay phone, reaching for the coins in my jean pockets. To my dismay, they were empty. They must've fallen out on the bed. Damn. I stood there, unsure of what to do. I could always run away, but how could I do that now? I have no money, it's all at Eddie's house in the bottom of the closet. I have no transportation, and hitch hiking has proven to be dangerous.

"Luli?" A familiar voice called out. I searched around the empty lot, confused. It was too feminine to be Eddie, that's for sure.

"Hello?" My voice cracked, as scan the parking lot. I could see a figure in the distance, but the dim lighting didn't help any.

"Luli!" The voice now yelled, running over to me. As the figure came closer, I realized who it was. The person who's brought me more pain than Tammy and kids at school combined. The person who didn't want me around anymore. The person I've wanted to see for a month. And there she was, with her wild, fiery red hair and peeped toe shoes.


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