5; Titanuim

698 47 13

When Katsuki woke, it was to the feeling of pain. He groaned, shakily moving his arm to his face; only to feel something solid. His eyes snapped open.

"What?" He sat up and looked around, where was he? It was dark, he was laying on something, a pillow. Where was Dabi? Wherever he was, it was quiet and warm, a blanket was draped across him.

"Go back to sleep, It's still night" He swiveled. Dabi was laying on the other side of the... bed?

"Dabi? Where... Where are we? What's the fuck's on my face?"

Dabi huffed and sat up, "Just sleep, we can talk when it's light out. It's safe; We're safe. This is a hotel. We're near Yuuei. Breathe and sleep"

Katsuki took a deep breath, it smelled like fresh sheets in the air, he laid back down and sighed, it was okay.

When he woke again, it was brighter. He was cold. Light was coming in through the windows to his left, despite the curtains in place. Sitting up, he took the time to survey the room. A door, probably to the bathroom was diagonal from his spot, on the opposite wall.

The main door to the hall was on the wall to his right. He carefully slipped out of the blanket, glancing over at the sleeping Dabi. His now big brother. Getting onto his feet was way different from sitting up. The pain tripled and he bit his lip to not wake the sleeping man.

Katsuki carefully stepped to the bathroom, holding the surrounding furniture and walls for support. He opened the door to the bathroom and flicked on the light. He stood there in shock, staring at the mirror. Three staples marred his cheek, holding together a deep cut Toga had made.

His cheeks were flushed and he shivered, he probably had a fever. He ignored that fact for a moment and started tugging off the tattered sweatshirt. It was cut in various places and had quite a few bloodstains showing despite the black colour.

Once it was off, he examined his torso. His left shoulder was bandaged, but he could see the bumps of more staples poking through. His right forearm was also bandaged, he didn't remember having been hurt there.

"This's gonna scar isn't it?" He whispered to himself. His vision blurred as the thought sank in. He'd lose to the Deku.

"Hey princess, good mornin'- Oh"

"How can I... How can I be a hero now...?"

Dabi ran his hand through the blonde's hair, "Scars prove that you're stronger than what caused them, You can show them how strong you are. You can be a mighty hero, 'Tsuki. Doesn't Shoto have a scar? It doesn't stop him and it won't stop you"

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. Now lemme use the bathroom; go find somewhere else to be emo" Katsuki laughed and took Dabi's help out. "Play on my phone or something"

"Can I call people?"

"Not with my phone, but you can use the one on the nightstand"

"M'kay" Katsuki sat on the bedside, the phone next to him on the nightstand. He waited for Dabi to go back into the bathroom before calling Deku.

It picked up on first ring, "Bakugou"

"Oh, Aizawa. Did'ja take Deku's phone?"

"His phone was the only way to reach you, where are you?"

"In a hotel. I'm okay now"


"I'm fucking okay now, I'll be back soon.

"Okay how? What's your number?"

"Maybe six or seven. I don't fucking know, this scale sucks. I got someone to patch me up, so I'm fine"

The bathroom door opened, "We've gotta get moving soon, princess"

"Okay" He said, covering the phone as best he could.

"Bakugou, where exactly are you? Is anyone with you? Are you safe?"

"Tch, I'm fucking fine, I'll see you soon I guess"

"Bakugou, don't you dare hang-" The call ended as he hung up.

"I'm so gonna be fuckin' suspended when I get back" He laughed, taking the sweatshirt he'd left in the bathroom from Dabi. He slipped it on. He watched as Dabi dug through one of the backpacks and retrieved toothpaste.

"Go use the bathroom, there's a toothbrush in there for you, and if you feel up to it, you can wash your hair. I'll check out your wraps before we leave. Sound good?"

"Mm" Katsuki nodded, to which Dabi grinned and helped Katsuki to the bathroom. Katsuki didn't dare mention that he had a fever. Dabi had helped him so much already, it was his own fault that he got in this situation; his fault for being so weak. He shivered, standing in front of the mirror. He touched his cheek, only to withdraw. His fingers were freezing, or was it that his cheeks were really that hot?

He grabbed the counter to ground himself, leaning on it as he ran cool water from the sink. He brushed his teeth to distract himself, the mint helping ground him further. Each movement hurt, but he tried to ignore it. He almost didn't want to go back to Yuuei, he was so tired. He didn't want to answer questions. Katsuki just wanted to sleep in a warm bed. That was all he wanted. He finished everything and left the bathroom. Dabi frowned at him, confusing Katsuki. He was fine.

"What?" he asked, aware of how the word was slurred slightly.

"Are you... How do you feel?"

"'M fine, why 're you freakin' out"

"Do you feel dizzy?"

"Fuckin' hell. No?" Yes. Yes he did. But he couldn't say that. Dabi already had enough to worry about.

"Princess, you aren't walking straight"

"I can fuckin' too"

Dabi backed up, standing next to the bed, "Walk to me then" Katsuki did, but for some reason, he stumbled into the bed.

"What?" he whispered.

"Princess, we've gotta get you help, let's go to Yuuei"

"No, you're not safe yet" he whined.

"I can take care of myself, here. Up, up" Dabi helped Katsuki up, and carefully added the backpacks, which were on the bed, ready to go. Katsuki groaned, shivering despite the sweatshirt.

"Though' my quirk was ba'"

"It is, but you're sick, princess"

"'M not a princess" Dabi simply shushed him and opened the door. Katsuki laid on his good cheek and held onto Dabi. "So strong" he murmured, not even realizing he said it. He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, they were walking on a sidewalk.

"Great, you're awake" Dabi greeted him.

Word Count: 1089

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