Waking up.

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For clarification this photo has nothing to do with the story.

(POV Eren)

I lay on the ground with a strange pain in my stomach and the smell of alcohol lingering in the air. My dad came into view. "You deserve this." He slurs and kicks me in the face. I groan and move my head to the side. Everyone in school is right there laughing. Even Mikasa and Armin. Pointing at me and laughing. I whimper, "Help me, please." My dad starts to talk from the side of me again, "No one is going to help you Eren. No one cares." He puts his foot on my head forcing it into the ground. I feel a vivid pain. I start to beg, "Stop it, please dad, please stop." His drunken laugh rings through the air. He grabs me by the throat and lifts me up. He throws me into the crowd of laughing people. I sit there hoping it would end there and they would leave me alone. But Armin kicks me in the stomach saying, "You didn't show up Eren, I had already left. I thought you were a good friend." Mikasa walks over. "Eren, you were spending time with your friends instead of your girlfriend huh?" She lands a blow on my face causing my nose to bleed. They all suddenly start shouting at me, chanting the same thing over and over, it's starting to hurt my ears. They're saying, "You deserve this Eren, this is your punishment." I feel tears leave my eyes and my breathing start to hitch in between sobs. What did I do? What did I do? "Look Eren is crying like a baby. You know what you did, remember when you didn't talk to Mikasa, you ditched out on Armin, and you even thought Armin was a girl." The voices say. "I-I'm sorry, I d-didn't mean too. I'm s-sorry." I choke out through tears. Their harsh voices yell at me, "That isn't enough." And hit me over and over again.
I jolt awake sweating with tears coming out of my eyes. Where am I? I look around the unknown room. I find myself squeezing Armin against me and immediately let go. Why is Armin here? Maybe I'm just in another dream. I try and go back to sleep hoping it is a dream and I will wake up in my room once I fall asleep but nothing happens. I'm awake. What am I doing here? Where am I? Why is Armin here? Those same questions continuously echo through my head like they're on repeat. I start to panic and the room moves in closer to me. My breathing gets heavier and faster. I clamp my eyes shut in an effort to try to calm down. I feel Armin shift on the other side of the bed. "Eren?" He says sleepily. I form my hand into a fist and start digging my nails into my palm still breathing faster yet. The bed moves a little and I feel Armin start shaking me. "Eren. Eren. Open your eyes. It's going to be ok."

I slowly lift up my eyelids. Armin is sitting in front of me with a worried look on his face. "Good. Good. Now unclench your fist." He puts his hand over mine to help me. I move my hand back from the touch. He moves his hand back over to mind inch by inch until he starts moving my fingers out of the firm position. He lays back down on the bed and wraps his arm around me. I start to slow my breathing and relax. "What was wrong?" He asked. I take a second to answer. "Where are we? Why am I here? Why are you here?" He giggles. "We're at my place of course! We're here because you fainted from exhaustion in the library. And why wouldn't I be here? It's my house." My panic seemed silly now. "Oh." I look at the time, it's still 5 am. Armin rolls onto his side and closes his eyes. I do the same and snuggle into him for extra warmth and comfort, falling asleep while thinking of crashing oceans.
*Time skip, 10 am*

I lift open my still heavy eyes and look around again confirming that I was still in Armin's place. I didn't want to wake him up so I slowly move my arm off of him and scoot over to the other side of the bed. I remember that I forgot to text Mikasa the other day so I'll do it now,
Italics = Eren Bold and Underlined = Mikasa

    Hey sorry I didn't text you yesterday:(
I'm busy rn stop bothering me.
Ok sorry for bothering you
I just said don't text me Eren I don't want to
talk to you.

I set down my phone. It was probably a little rude of me to be texting her this early in the morning in the first place. She had the right to be upset with me anyway. A thought hits me like a train. I've been gone from the house. All night. And didn't sneak back in during the early morning. I'm going to be dead. I open the door as quickly and quietly as I could praying to god that my parents were still sleeping. I tiptoe through the house and made it to the front door, and remember, I don't know where this is, but the thought disappears almost immediately because I've already been a burden and I don't want to wake anyone up. I can just figure it out when I reach the library from running around and go to my house from there, it couldn't be that far.

953 words.
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