In the woods. . .

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Jean is washing machine heart by mitski. That's all I have to say. Oh wait nvm also if you didn't know I'm an intense multi-shipper and and I also erejean. But this is not the kind of stuff  erejean I want to be writing btw. CROSSOVER WITH SK8 STARTING THIS CHAPTER\( ̄︶ ̄*\))?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?

POV Eren

Ymir and Historia has already left after about an hour. I skipped around by Armin's side as we walked around aimlessly. He takes his phone out of his back pocket to answer a call. "Yeah. Oh. I'm sorry. I'll be right there. Bye." Then he hangs up. "Uhm I'm sorry Hunter Eren but I have to go home." He says apologetically. "That's ok princess. As long as I see you at school tomorrow. I'll be fine!" I beam, using the nickname that we're starting to keep from earlier. Armin brightens up a little bit and starts to run home, giving a last wave of goodbye. I straighten my back as I walk setting my face into a neutral look. Truthfully, I was still really hungry, but I didn't need food right now.

I sprint over to the hidden little area that I had designated as the place I will be sleeping for the rest of the month. I slide my fingers against the smooth moss growing on the ground and bark of the tree. There is a slight rustling in the bushes and I jump onto the tree. The boy from my class with the horse face walks out. I take a sigh of relief. "What are you doing at my spot. What was your name? Eren, right?" I avoid eye contact, confused. "Yes, why?" We make eye contact and I can see how devoid of emotion and dead looking his eyes are, completely serious and intelligently taking in every detail of his surroundings. "You were the boy who was late to class today right? I overheard Mikasa and Armin talking about you earlier. You sound like a jerk." I was taken aback. "I...I don't know how...I...I don't know why.....what were they saying?" He ignores my question and pushed me into the tree, pinning my arm against the tree roughly. "Stay away from Mikasa."

I blink profusely, my breath quickening from the lack of space between us. "I- uh- me and Mikasa are..l...we're dating." I respond nervously. That catches him off guard. I can tell he wasn't going to let that go but he changes the subject for some reason. "What are those bandages around your head?" He asks still staring me dead in the eyes. My eyes widen. He reaches to touch them and I stop breathing for a moment. "I....they were from...what are you-..." I trail off, my thoughts a mess. He starts to unravel them [[the bandages]] quickly but gentle as he tears the thin, stained red, fabric before he unwraps it, revealing the bruised, slick with blood, skin of my forehead. He scoffs at the sight of it, and let's go of my arm. "Mikasa is really dating a poor, weak, boy like you?" I ignore the cruel remark and scramble to rewrap the bandages.

He looks at me for a moment then smirks. "On the other hand, you are kind of attractive.." "Huh?" I say, shocked. "You heard what I said." He steps forward and I back into the tree again. He grabs the collar of my shirt and pulls me in closer. "I- stop...." I mumble, barely audible. He raises an eyebrow. "I thought you would need this since Mikasa would never kiss anyone like you." I try to get out of his grip but it only tightens more. He leans in and I squeeze my eyes closed as he kisses me aggressively. He pulls my head in towards him more. I can feel small tears slipping out of my closed eyes as he forces me to kiss him back. I suck in a deep breathe of air through my nose and wipe my eyes off so he doesn't laugh after.

He pulls away smiling and drops me again. I fall onto the ground choking. "Felt nice, right?" I shake my head hastily while laying on the ground. He furrows his eyebrows. "Ungrateful. I might just kick you out of here since it IS my spot." I turn my head sideways to not destroy any ounce of pride leftover that hadn't crumbled from what just happened. "Oh. Well I guess it was ok." I lie. "That's what I thought, kitten." He purrs. I shiver at the nickname as he walks away carelessly. I crawl up to the mossy area turn over and fall asleep almost immediately, the terrifying events t.

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