Chapter 2

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"Robin, you're grounded from patrol." Batman, Damian's father, stated sternly.

"What?" Damian, aka Robin, seethed 'so I got shot who cares?' he thought bitterly. His siblings that had been on patrol with him, Nightwing and Red Robin, stood off to the side, watching the scene unfold.

"Training as well." The Bat added on. This really got on the boys' nerves.

"What!? Why!?" He shouted, glaring at his father. Red Hood entered the cave just as Damian shouted, and saw how tightly he held his fists shut, if it wasn't for his gloves his hands would be bleeding if they weren't already underneath the fabric.

"You know why!" Batman bellowed, taking off his cowl revealing Bruce Wayne, "You're lucky you didn't die tonight! Don't think I haven't noticed your lack of sleep, currently you're worse than Tim is!" he pointed to Red Robin, "You've been training nonstop, with zero sleep and you either shut down or snap at every little question! You're hurting yourself Damian, and I can't let you continue doing this to yourself! That means No Training, No Patrol, and No Missions until you sort yourself out, and that wound heals!"

"You can't be serious. I'm fine! I've dealt with worse, you know that!" Damian snapped at his father as Bruce walked towards the large computer. The lights that lit up the cave glinted off the earrings the boy had been wearing the past few days catching the attention of his brothers.

"Wait.. Since when were the Demon's ears pierced?" Hood asked, bewildered at seeing the sapphires Damian had on. It was meant to be a silent question, but it echoed around the large cavern underneath Wayne Manor, catching everyone's attention this time. Damian's hands instinctively went up to the earrings Dahlia gave him.

"None of your business, Zombie!!"

"Damian!" Bruce warned glaring at his son, "This is exactly what I'm talking about!" Damian turned to face his dad as Dick, aka Nightwing, held back a fuming Jason, who had taken off his red helmet. "You have two months of no training, and absolutely no patrol, and three months of no missions. Now go back upstairs." The two glared at each other before Damian stormed off.

Once back in the manor he tore off his green domino mask, and tossed it aside along with his cape as he stormed through the halls, slamming his bedroom door shut and locking it for good measure. He locked his windows shut, and closed the blinds before punching the nearest wall, cursing profusely, in Arabic. It was drawing near that time of year again, the day she was kidnapped, the day she died. He couldn't handle it, it wasn't the same, nothing was the same without her.


~9 Years Ago~

It had been a year since Dahlia was kidnapped, and Damian refused to give up. Her kidnappers had a mole within the league, which allowed them to get past their defenses, and straight to the twins. Said kidnappers had also tried to use Dahlia for ransom, however that never worked, as she suddenly disappeared from their grasp.

When Talia, the twins' mother, found the men, some of them said she escaped, while others said they had already killed her. While Talia tried to continue the search for her daughter herself, she had to return and continue Damian's training. He was worried, fearful even, of what might have happened to his sister and it came out as aggressiveness and anger.

On the same day she was taken, exactly one year later, their grandfather, Ra's Al Ghul, made an announcement to everyone. Standing on a balcony where everyone could see their leader as he spoke out to them.

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