chapter 24:

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The ride to school is quiet, the only sound is either coming from the car or Gallant playing over the speakers. His hand casually lays on my thigh, and the soft patterns he traces between my legs relaxing me yet exciting me. To get my mind off him, and his hand that I could totally dry hump right now, I stare out the window and keep myself busy by counting daffodils growing on the side of the road. 

They have always been my favorite flower, even when I was a little girl. I love all of the colors and different varieties, but I think my ultimate favorite is the salome daffodils. 

He squeezes my thigh, jolting me abruptly out of my lovely thoughts of flowers. I glance around to see that we have made it to school, and I give him a small smile while I climb out of the passenger side of the car.

I take a breath, straighten myself out, and grab my backpack from the backseat. He swoops it away from my grip, tossing it over one of his shoulders. I briefly argue with him, saying that I am more than capable, but he declares that he wants to. I mean, I'm not going to continue arguing if he's doing it because he wants to. 

His arm loops around my waist, tugging me close to his body (per usual). Alicia and Bash, who are now making out of the grass, break away when they see the both of us walking towards the building. 

Alicia, under Bash's arm, waves warmly at me, and I can't help but smile now that she's being nice to me. She does have a lot to make up for, but one step at a time. I can get over what she's done to me if she's nice to my friends and me once again.

"Mornin', Riley!"

"Good morning, Alicia. How are you?"

"I'm good. Now that Bash and I have know. How are you?"

I don't know, but I'm going to pretend I do.

"I'm doing alright. I had a good weekend with Clay, but it's Monday so."

"Did you guys do it?"

"Do it?"

"As in, bang bang."

"I have no idea what that means?"

"Did you hanky panky?!"

"No! Oh my gosh, no. Have you with Bash?"

"Yes, I'm not wasting time."

"I've only known Clay for a couple of days."

"So what? I'm sure you guys have made out."

"Yeah, but I don't think I'm ready for that."

"Oh, that's fine. I was just wondering if you guys did. Do it whenever you feel comfortable."

"I want to wait a bit. I haven't gone that far with anyone."

"I think that's perfectly reasonable. I wanted into Bash's pants quickly though."

"Did you have a good time?"

"Oh my god. That man is a sainted devil, certainly has the touch of fucking- oh god. It was incredible"

Sainted Devil. That was a thing from when we were closer friends. Something that is deemed wrong or bad for you but is really good. Sainted in the idea that he is good at what he does (in this specific situation). Devil because society, unfortunately, makes sex, sex behavior, and lust seem wrong. And he's breaking the rules. Another example, that the whole cake was a sainted devil. You probably shouldn't be eating cake, at least not a whole one by yourself, but it is so good. Anyway.

"I'm surprised you aren't taking him in the stairwell by now."

"You are a genius! Have a good day."

"You too."

She quickly tugs Bash away from the both of us, breaking him out of the conversation with Clay, but I don't think either of them mind too much. He leans down, pressing a kiss to my temple, and continues walking with me into the school. At my locker, he leans down over me, talking to me quietly. I know that he's trying to get my mind off everyone staring at me, and I'm grateful for him. 

His hands rest carefully on my hips, his thumbs sliding under my shirt to caress the dimples in my back. A low hum exits his mouth as he places a trail of light kisses down my neck. I giggle at him, pushing his face away from my skin. He rumbles in disappointment, his chest vibrating against my back, but I roll my eyes at his childishness.

"Clay Asher Pierce! Please step away from the girl and keep your hands to yourself."

At the unexpected sound of the principal's shrill voice, my body jolts upwards, my head slamming against the open locker above me. I ignore the teasing from the man behind me and move down the crowded hall to first period. 

Now knowing that he doesn't have to even pay attention in class, my jealousy rages - the green monster rising - while in psychology learning about the different parenting styles. I think Ms. Hubbard has repeated the same thing about twenty times, and I'm ready to move the freak on. 

And no matter how much I want to stop listening to her, I know that I'll feel horribly guilty for the rest of the day. At the end of class, Clay won't even let me hold my books. I don't want him to think he has to.

"Riley Matthews, please come to the office."

I groan at the overhead speaker, telling him to go meet me at my locker. He disagrees, saying he should go with me, but I have a feeling I know who it is. I don't want them to get into another fight. I give him a pointed look which he is forced to acquiesce. 

Nerves fill me - my heart pounding, my hands sweaty and shaky, my breathing erratic - as I get myself down to the office. I don't know Westin would be here, but I have a feeling that's who it is. I yank open the door to the attendance office. 

My eyes flick over the ladies sitting there, their faces red and sweat perforating on their foreheads. What's going on? Why do they look so frazzled? The door slams closed behind me, making me whirl around.

"What are you doing here?"

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