Chapter 10

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"Go! Go! Go! Move! Move!" We all simultaneously yell.

"Come on, hurry up!"

"Yeah, yeah. Hurry up and open it!"

"Hurry up, gimme the ball!" I order. And, Benny gives me the ball.

"Gimme somethin' to write with, ya airheads!" I bark.

"I got a pencil!" Scott says, trying to hand it to me.

"Give her a pen! Not a pencil!" Benny exclaims, and Bertram gave me a pen.

"Babe...." I mutter.

"Baby Ruthie?" Scott questions.

"No! It says Babe Ruth!" Squints scolds.

"I don't know N/N..."

"Yeah, yeah that looks pretty crappy." Yeah- Yeah says. I scoff.

"It doesn't matter what it looks like! His mom's never gonna know the difference!" I exclaim and they look at me dumbfounded. I roll my eyes at their ignorance.

"This'll just buy us some time, ya dorks!" I exclaim and they finally get it.


Scotty and I run to his house with the fake ball, ready to place it in the original ball's spot. I give the ball to Scotty and he gently places it in the stand and we admire our work. I let out a sigh of relief when I go to the door and see that the signature looks alright.

It'll easily fool his mom. I thought.

"Scotty?" His mom calls out. We freeze, but he answers.

"Uh, in here mom!" He says.

"Oh, hi hunny- Who's this? What y'all doing in here?" She asks.

"Oh! My name is Y/N and Scotty told me that his step dad was a baseball fan and told me that he had a room full of baseball stuff and he offered to show me. I'm sorry if I intruded." I explain, most of it being a lie.

"Oh hunny it's fine and it's really nice to meet you! I'm so glad he's making friends! He just doesn't like his things being touched." She warns.

"Yes ma'am. I was just admiring his baseball." I say, sweating as she gets close to it. I look at Scott, uneasy.

"His step dad, Bill, his dad gave him that ball. It was signed by Babe Ruth." She exclaimed. I feel like I'm gonna vomit. That ball is a family heirloom!

"How cool! Well, Scott and I better get back to the guys. They don't really like waiting. It was nice meeting you!" I say.

"You too, Hunny! Come back sometime!" She yells as we run out the door and I yell a "I will!" As we run to the treehouse.


We were all coming up with ideas on how to get that ball back, WITHOUT getting killed. We all thought that, the ball that Benny busted the guts out of thought something amazing was gonna happen, now we just figured that it meant our lives were over...

"Hey I got it! Why don't we just go over, and knock on the door, and ask Mr. Mertle if he can get it for us?" Scott suggests. Wasn't a bad idea. We wouldn't be dealing with the dog, he would.

"I'm dow-"

"Are you out of your mind? Mr. Mertle's the meanest old man that ever lived. He's the one that made The Beast eat that kid! It's not an option, Smalls. Forget about it!" Squints orders.

"Oh, ok. Sorry. I-I will." He looks down at his feet. I roll my eyes.

"Let's just look out the window!" I suggest and that's what we do. It wasn't even ten seconds when the Beast comes out of his prison under the porch, barking and baring his teeth at us. We all run to the furthest corner of the treehouse, some of us clinging onto one another and others holding bats.

Ball Field Romance | Benny Rodriguez X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now