Chapter 9

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I knock on Greta's door and then she opens it with a sad expression.

— Are you all right, friend? — I ask entering.

— Ah more or less, I'm worried about the boys — Said sitting on the bed.

— Ah yes, that trip, Nevio told me yesterday.

— Yes, I don't even like to imagine what they are going to do there.

— Ah friend, don't worry, they were prepared for that, I guarantee you — I said taking his hand.

— Yes, I know, but I hate being away from them.

— I understand

— You see? — Greta smiled.

— Hm yes, they are all my friends — I said looking away.

— Friends, I know, so... don't you want to tell me about you and my brother?

— What about me and your brother?

— Ah Aurora, come on, there's no need for that, not least because Nevio has already told me a few things.

— My God, he's a big guy — I concluded and she laughed.

— He is my brother, we share that kind of thing — She stood up — If you tell me more I will tell you something I received...

— Ah friend, don't do that, please.

— Take it or leave it.

— Okay — I took a deep breath — We are... together — I said making quotation marks.

— Are you dating? — He spoke with exaltation.

— No friend, calm down, no, we just decided to keep staying to see what will happen.

 — Ah, it's dating and period.

— You're talking like Lotta.

— Coexistence — He scoffed.

— Okay, now tell me...

— Okay, get ready, I don't even know if I'll accept — She took a deep breath and said — I was accepted at Juilliard — I was speechless.

— MY GOD, GRETA — I shouted getting up — This is wonderful — I looked at her — How come you don't know if you will accept? This has always been your dream.

— I know, but you know how my father is, he will never accept, it is on the other side of the country.

— I know friend, but it is a unique opportunity, and it is in the territory of the Famiglia, they will protect you.

— As if that would reassure Remus Falcone, come on, Aurora, you know him.

— Yes, but if anyone can do that, it's you, friend, he won't deny you that.

— I'm afraid to create expectations and break my face.

— You have to at least try.

— Okay, you're right.

— No news — I scoffed — Come on, let's do something.

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