Chapter 6

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I wake up with my cell phone ringing and a heavy arm around my waist. I take out my cell phone and see that I'm late for class.

— My God, Nevio wakes up — I said moving him.

— What there was? — He spoke getting up and taking out a gun that should be under the pillow.

— Do you sleep armed?

— You do not? — I roll my eyes — It should.

— It's on the nightstand.

— Until you open it ...

— I have class — I said pointing to the cell phone.

— Hm okay, let's go — He said putting on a pair of pants.

— Oh my God, what if someone sees me?

— Don't go, come on — He said, extending his hand to me, taking it, and we're going down the hall. We got in the car and started our way to school, we went most of the way in comfortable silence, my hands were on my lap and Nevio held one of them and we went hand in hand.

— Oh God — I said scaring him.

— What?

— I didn't bring anything, not even a pencil or notebook. I have some books in the closet but...

— Calm down, ask Lotta, explain that you couldn't catch it.

— For her to keep making me mad? No thanks — I said making him laugh.

— At some point or another you will have to tell — He spoke taking my hand to his mouth kissing it, he rested our hands on his leg.

— Someday maybe.

— We arrived — We said goodbye and went towards the class, the teacher let it go because he knows I am not that. Luckily for me or not, Lotta was in the same class.

— Hm, interesting — He said turning to me.

— What?

— I could have sworn you were wearing that dress last night — He said, raising his eyebrows.

— Your impression — I said sarcastically. She laughed and handed me a pen.

— You can thank me, Rora.

— By the pen?

— Also — He spoke directing his attention to the teacher.The rest of the day was like any other, I attended classes and took notes, Nevio and I exchanged messages and of course Carlotta did not miss the chance to make her insinuations, she knew, obviously, nor did I need to say anything. For a few moments I completely forgot about my date with Will, when he reminded me at lunchtime almost unmarked, but Nevio and I have nothing, so I see no problem, Carlotta said I was getting an idea, but I'm single and I can go out with whoever you want. Nevio asked me to train earlier, I accepted, I needed it. We are training and I am very disconnected. His fault.

— Princess? — Spoke Nevio making me go back to the real world.

— Oh hi, sorry, I was... Forget it!

— I think it's done for today, right, you're not paying attention.

— Sorry, it's just you — I said pointing to his shirtless body — It's distracting me.

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