Chapter one

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I'm finally finished, thank goodness. I breathed a sigh of relief. I can go read now and wait for Amanda to come and pick me up.

I walked over to the dragon-based books and grabbed one called, Upon Wings of Change. I found a empty chair and began to read.

I didn't know how much time passed but I knew that my friend was late, I checked the clock which confirmed my suspicion. Guess I'm walking home today, at least on the bright side going for a good walk is good for your health.

I quickly put the book back and said goodbye to the librarian, she was a good friend of mine because I was here quite often. I took one step outside and noticed that something was a little off, the entire street was empty other then a white fan parked nearby. I was a little suspicious of it as I was the only one that was in the Library. So I began to walk home at a faster pace then normal.

I didn't even take two steps before three masked men ran out of the van and ran towards me. My body wouldn't respond out of shock. One of the men reached out to grab me before my body finally decided to work. Without looking back I sprinted away from the van, my biggest mistake was glancing back at the masked men.

I was suddenly grabbed in a headlock with one of my attackers arms covering my mouth. I tried to get him to let go of me but he seemed indestructible and wouldn't let me go. I got a sneaky idea and kicked him in the no no spot. He automatically let me go and I didn't waste any time running away from those people I never wanted to be in that situation again.

*~One week later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

After that encounter I was afraid of going outside for fear that they might try to kidnap me again.

"Come on Anna, you have to go outside. You can't spend the rest of your life as a scared couch potato." Amanda said.

"But what if they come back." I said, tears covering my eyes.

"They won't come back, unless their complete idiots. Relax I will protect you." Amanda said reassuring me.

"Thank you Amanda." I said wiping away my tears. "We'll go for a nice walk around town tomorrow."

  The next morning the first thing I heard was Amanda yelling at me to get up.

  "Get up Anna! Unless you want me to leave you alone." Said Amanda. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at Amanda, "ok, just give me a cup of coffee and I'll be ready in ten minutes."

  Amanda left the room and went towards the kitchen, she's not going to actually do it, is she? A few moments later she returned with a mug of coffee. I took a cautious sip before draining the whole mug in about ten seconds.

  Amanda stood there amazed at my ability to empty a whole mug in ten seconds, while I grabbed my stuff.

  By the time she was at the door (it took her a good three minutes to get there) I was already to go.

  "Are we just going to sit here or?" I asked.

  "Oh, yup let's go," Amanda opened the door and picked a direction.

  We walked for about a good hour before I decided it was a good time to turn around and go home. "Amanda let's go home, I think we went far enough."

  "Alright Anna," Amanda turned and we began our journey home. I heard a vehicle not to far off but dismissed it as this road usually had a little bit of traffic.

  A good thirty minutes later and the vehicle was officially following us. I picked up the pace causing Amanda to be a little shocked. I gave her the 'there's singer's look before continuing on.

  I finally thought that the vehicle was gone but it was short lived, the van drove onto the sidewalk right in front of me and Amanda. Six men jumped out before we had a chance to react. Four of them grabbed me and Amanda before the other two put some kind of drug into us.

  "We were only supposed to get this one but it wouldn't hurt to have an extra subject," was the last thing I heard.


Author here, I will always appreciate any constructive criticism you readers give me as it will help me improve. So say any recommendations you think might be necessary and I will consider them. Vote if you want to, see you in the next chapter!

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