Your Author SC here neglecting Boo and Pure Imagination and favoring Another Chance given by Death like C!Philza B)
Techno threw his sword onto the sand, looking around.
"You sure this is the spot?" Techno asked. "This place looks a lot different than before."
"Duh, pollution and shit." Tommy rolled his eyes.
Phil and Wilbur watched from above, Phil being excited.
"Phil, are you okay?" Wilbur patted the older's back, in which the older looked like he was about to explode into glitter.
"I can finally interact with the world soon!" Phil squealed. "Its gonna be an epic adventure!"
"Of course you'd think that, your an adventurer." Wilbur murmured. "But Phil, I'll be the only one who can't speak to anyone anymore,"
Phil pat Wilbur's head. "You'll be fine. You can ask Tubbo to relay your messages."
The fox stood under Wilbur, staring at him.
"Oh, and Fundy can see you. You can talk to Fundy!"
"I don't want to talk to Fundy," Wilbur whined.
Fundy had a pained expression, and ran back to Tubbo, whimpering. He clawed on Tubbo, jumping onto him.
"Fundy, what the hell—" Tubbo gets knocked into the sand, in which Tubbo immediately stands up. Fundy kept on clawing at Tubbo.
His hair and clothes are now dusted with sand.
Phil started laughing at the sight.
"Phil, Wilbur, you gotta help me! And you too, Tommy!"
"Why didn't you include Techno?!" Tommy groaned, pulling Tubbo into the air, out of the foxes claw range.
"Ahem, I'm the only person who's actually digging," Techno said, pushing his sword into the ground and flinging sand out like a shovel.
"Techno, we have a shovel." Tubbo pointed to the shovel which lied alone on the sand.
Techno paused. "Why didn't you tell me?"
Tommy cackled. "Blind-blade!"
Techno threw a conch shell at Tommy like a throwing knife, and stomped over and picked up the shovel.
Tommy flinched, luckily being a poltergeist saved him from having a conch shell sticking out of his skin. Strings of curses followed after the attempted assault.
Luckily, the beach was empty, so nobody saw the floating objects and curses being flung around.
"Philza tells you two to stop," Tubbo relayed.
Techno rolled his eyes. "Tommy started it with the insults."
"You tried to kill me!" Tommy shuddered.
The back and forth banter prevented to supposed calming day at the beach to even be calming.
"Guys! I hit something!" exclaimed Tubbo, for the 6th time today. Most of what he digs up are just really big rocks, though.
"I'll check it out." Wilbur says, phasing through the ground to make sure it isn't another rock.
Tubbo waited for the man, in which he popped out of the ground with a grin.
"I think it's the chest!"Techno and Tommy finally stopped digging their holes and helped trying to get the chest out, Fundy digging with them.
Philza floated around, basically trembling with joy, and a wide grin on his face. "I haven't seen this in... A few thousand years!"
The chest looked rusty and old, the wood was warped and rotten. But it still somehow could survive Tommy's kicks.
Techno stabbed the thing with his sword, the box spilling with items. Gold coins that were rusty but still shimmered in the light. All types of gems, and most importantly, Phil's hat.
"I put my hat in there by accident—I set my hat down while I put the gems in—and then I died in the middle of the ocean, so this is a stroke of luck!" Philza smiled, like he was being given the best birthday gift ever.
Tubbo handed the man the hat, and he started changing. The once dull colours that a ghost would have started being more bright, like he was resurrected. His wings fluffed up slightly, stretching them.
It seemed like Phil was overwhelmed; the heat of the sunshine, the seaside smells, the breeze and the air.
Phil still had the widest grin ever, and all four did a group hug. Wilbur joined in too, even if he knew that he can't even be seen.
"Tubbo, please don't forget about me." Wilbur laughed.
"Don't worry! Next stop is..." Tubbo peeked through the ring to see the gold outlines at an old house on the hill.
"Ah, that jogs my memory a bit. Thats where I used to live. I don't think anyone would want to live there, it's filled with woodlouse."
"You lived in a house with woodlouse?" Tubbo asked, surprised.
"They didn't bother anyone!"
They were back home. Mother wasn't bothered with the new addition of ghosts. Phil was nice enough to help with her cooking.
They ate a nice blueberry pie today.Philza and Techno's chatters filled the air as Tommy and Tubbo played video games. Wilbur stared at the house on the hill with longing.
Fundy snuggled under Wilbur, enjoying the natural cool air that ghosts emit.
i couldnt think of anything but once i get wil to be a poltergeist thats where more adventures begin

"𝙱𝚘𝚘!" || 𝚂𝙱𝙸 + 𝚃𝚞𝚋𝚋𝚘 𝙶𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝙰𝚄
FanfictionIt was a new neighborhood. Go outside, mother said. Now I'm here talking to gravestones. But I didn't know doing this will give me friends that I will never forget.