2 | conversations and caught red handed

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R E M U S  L U P I N

Remus couldn't help but feel a little guilty after what happened in the woods. He hadn't even been officially broken up with Sirius for a full day yet.

But his first time with Reggie was definitely not his last. In fact, no matter how hard Remus tried, he found himself crawling back to Reggie. Sometimes in Reggie's dorm. Sometimes in an empty classroom. Sometimes in a closet. Sometimes back in the clearing in the woods where it all started.

It had been going on for exactly seven days but with Reggie, it had felt like they had been with each other for years now. Only not really together. They were only sleeping together. That was it. But then Remus would remember that he had counted exactly how many days and how many times they had done it and realized that maybe he did have some sort of feeling for Reggie other than just wanting him for sex.

But he wasn't going to admit that to anyone.

It seemed that Ophelia had drawn her own conclusion about Remus and Reggie. Or maybe Reggie had told her what had happened, he couldn't be sure.

R E G G I E  M C L A G G E N

"You could just skip the Yule Ball," Reggie suggested as he slipped his pants on. Remus did the same as the boy continued, "I'm doing a thing in the common room. You're more than welcome to join. There will be firewhiskey and then maybe if I drink enough, you'll get lucky."

Remus rolled his eyes at this but a grin broke across his face. Reggie loved that grin. Okay, maybe not loved but you get the idea. It was a very, very attractive grin and whenever he saw it, he wanted to lock himself away in a room with the boy and never let him leave.

He was aware that he sounded possessive. It was a new feeling for him seeing as he had never felt this way about a hook-up before. Ever.

"I already told James I would go," Remus explained with a huff, pulling Reggie from his thoughts. "Had you told me about this sooner, I would have been able to get out of this stupid ball."

Reggie grinned, "Stop by after. I want to see you in a tux."

Remus narrowed his eyes slightly, "It's not all that appealing. It's one of James's old ones and it barely fits seeing as I'm a foot taller than he was when he last wore."

Reggie rolled his eyes, "You're a wizard, moron. Spells exist to fix those problems."

"Well, I don't know them."

"I'm sure someone in your dorm does," he pointed out. "But if they don't, Ophelia does."

"It's just one night," he replied as he pulled his shirt over his head. "I'll deal with it."

"Well, I still want to see it on you," Reggie stated as he crossed the distance to the boy. "And then I want to see it off of you."

Remus blushed profusely at this and Reggie grinned in response. It was ridiculously easy to make the boy blush and it was worth it every time.

They had been together a week which was a record for Reggie. Well, not together. They had been hooking for seven days now. Why he remembered the exact number was beyond him but he did.

Reggie picked up the boys jacket and handed it to him, "I'll see you tonight, then?"

Remus nibbled slightly on the inside of his bottom lip. Reggie noticed that he did this whenever he was thinking about something and it was incredibly attractive. Remus nodded after a moment and he seemed to hesitate slightly. He then walked through the curtain and started toward the door.

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