3 | good times and girl talk

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R E G G I E  M C L A G G E N

Reggie received a letter on Christmas Day informing him that his new brother was born at 23:54 the following evening, he weighed 3.4 kg and was 7.9 cm. His name was Cormac McLaggen.

While Reggie was excited by the prospect of having a little brother, he wouldn't be able to meet him until the next break which was forever away.

"Why do you look like you're about to throw up?" someone asked him and he looked over to see Remus watching him.

"I'm not going to throw up," he replied as he shifted in his bed. He turned onto his side so he could face the boy. "I'm just thinking."

Remus bit down a laugh, "Well your thinking face looks an awful lot like a cross between someone who's about to get sick and someone who's constipated."

Reggie scowled, "Thank you for that." He moved to get up but Remus was quick to grab his hand.

"Wait," he pulled him back down, "I'm sorry. Your thinking face is very attractive." Reggie narrowed his eyes and Remus leaned up, pressing his lips to his. "I promise that I won't say you look like you're sick or constipated as long as you don't leave this bed."

Reggie contemplated this for a moment before he fell back down next to the boy. Remus grinned triumphantly and leaned forward, kissing the boy again. "You're lucky your cute," Reggie stated as Remus kissed along his neck, "Because had anyone else said that to me after sleeping with me I would have kicked them out already."

"Then it's a good thing I'm cute," Remus agreed with a faint smirk.

R E M U S  L U P I N

They both fell onto the bed with a gasp. Remus closed his eyes as he took a deep breath, trying to regulate his breathing.

That was the third, no...the fourth? He didn't know how many times they had done it without leaving the room in between but what he did know was that he was on a high.

"Alright, I need to eat something," Reggie concluded and Remus nodded in agreement.

"Food is good," Remus agreed.

Reggie sat up and he grabbed his sweatpants off the floor. Remus moved to follow him but the boy stopped him, "Wait here. I'll bring food back for us."

Remus smiled at the boy as he fell back onto the bed, "Sounds good."

Reggie grinned before he hopped off the bed, pulling his pants all the way up. He grabbed his shirt and slipped it on before putting his shoes on. "I'll be right back.

He nodded in reply before the boy left. Remus let out a satisfied hum as he rested his hands on his stomach and stared at the ceiling. He could get used to this. Maybe not this often but he didn't mind the whole laying in bed all day thing.

Reggie returned with an arm full of food. Remus couldn't help but smile as he dropped the food at the foot of the bed. "Do you know how many looks I got as I carried all this food through the corridors?" he asked as he looked up at Remus. "They - what?"

"What?" Remus repeated in confusion.

Reggie eyed him for a moment, his eyes narrowed slightly, "I asked you first."

It was nothing really. Only it was something. It was definitely something. Whenever Remus was around Reggie, he had the sudden urge to spill his guts and give up all his secrets. Including his furry little problem.

Reggie slipped off his shirt as he waited for the boy to explain himself.

Remus was hesitant. It wasn't that he didn't want to tell the boy because he definitely did. The only other person that he was as trusting with was Sirius but something about Reggie made him feel safe. Like no matter what, everything would work itself out.

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