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Hazel Torres

I fell into my knees, crying from all the stress. I almost gave in. Almost.

I was at my weakest point and that asshole used it against me.

His jacked laid onto the coat hanger at the door. I've been through a series of things today, I think it's safe to say the fight, is over.

One of the worst things of being a mafia leader is weakness. Showing any kind of emotion is weakness.

I wiped my tears and stumbled into my bathroom. I washed my face and took a few deep breaths. I felt weak. So fucking weak.

I couldn't handle all the pressure today, but I still had work. Being a mafia leader does not give you breaks.

I filled my tub with warm water and candles around.

That's the least I could do.

I walked into my living room, looking for something to eat while I bathed.

There was that stupid jacket of his. The thing that got me upset was how I kissed him. It didn't even feel real. I hate him so much. I feel no attraction to him what so ever. I was honestly in my work condition and I wasn't thinking. I barely know him, so I'm sure I don't like him.

I heard a soft knock at the door. Was Luca still here? Can this bitch take a hint and leave?

I walked over to the door and looked through the peephole. It was covered. "Who is it?" I croaked through the closed door.

"Hazel, please open the door." I heard Chris beg.

Fucking asshole, I forgot he lived here too.

I stayed silent. "Hazel. Please, let me in." He knocked a little harder this time.

I took a deep breath before opening the door. I gasped once I saw a huge bruise under his eye. Luca really did punch him.

"Your little friend did this to me." He whispered, pointing to his eye.

"Take your things and get out Chris. Go live with that whore you've been with all these weeks." I crossed my arms, keeping the weakness far away.

"Hazel, can we please just talk." He placed his hand on my cheek.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I shouted before slapping his arm away.

He winced In pain, not knowing how strong I was.

"Look I'm sorry." He sighed, getting closer to me.

"Chris. Get your things and get the fuck out. I won't give you this opportunity again." I told him in a stern voice.

He nodded and fled into our bedroom.

I took a deep breath and laid onto the couch. I had things to do, including school.

This big mafia man had a son going to this school. I needed leverage for him and I didn't know anyone who would be able to seduce his son. So I have to.

My first day starts tomorrow and I wasn't ready. At all.

"Okay, I have everything." Chris walked in, looking all guilty and ashamed.

"Good, now get out and live with that stupid Barbie doll you bent over in your desk everyday." I spat, not moving from my seat.

"Hazel. I'm sorry, you need to know I would do anything to get you back again. ANYTHING!" He got on my nerves even more

I'm surprised at how I was handling this. My not thinking part of my brain wanted to choke him until he's dead, but the good part of my brain took over, making me approach this with peace.

"Chris. Don't make me do something I'll regret. Just get out." I stood up, facing him.

He sighed loudly and walked out, keeping the door open.

I slammed it behind him and processed everything that had just happened.

2 years of dating, wasted. I needed my bath, now.

I walked over to my bathroom and undressed, sinking into my warm bath.

I closed my eyes and just thought of nothing. If I thought of Chris, I would be pissed off. If I thought of Luca, I'd also be pissed off.

I groaned and got out my bath. I really needed to go to work and plan for school tomorrow.

I stood up and changed into a suit for ladies. I honestly was too tired to do my hair into something fantastic, so I just put it in a bun.

I called Maurice a couple minutes before leaving.

"Hello madam, let me guess, work?" Maurice asked as I sat beside him in the car.

"Yeah." I sighed and closed my eyes, not wanting to go.

He drove the whole way, silent.

Once we reached the place, I smiled and walked out.

Once I got in, I talked to a couple of my bodyguards and then Kevan.

"Heyyy, are you getting ready for the fight?" He asked me as he leaned on his desk.

"It's over. I don't know about the sex bet, but the fight is over." I sighed.

"Oh, well I guess you're here because of the school thing." He raised his eyebrow.

"Yeah." I smiled before walking into my office.

"OH WAIT LUCA BROWN IS IN THERE!" Kevan shouted, but he was too late.

I already saw him waiting on the chair in front of my desk.

I closed the door behind me and took a deep breath.

"The fight is over. Get out." I rolled my eyes at him.

"No, i need to apologize. I was being more of a dick today than I usually am." He stood up.

"I don't care anymore Mr. Brown. I just want you to know, that kiss meant nothing. I don't like you and you don't like me." I walked past him and sat on my chair.

"Good, I feel the same way. Do you forgive me?" He asked, almost frowning.

"Forgive? Maybe. Forget? No." I tilted my head.

"Well that's something." He shrugged and sat on a chair in front of me.

I obviously didn't forgive him. I just needed him to think that so I can play with his feelings and crush them later. Just because I'm a lady, doesn't mean I don't know how to lead.

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