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Hazel Torres

I was exhausted from all that jumping I just did. That should be some type of sport because I would definitely be good at it.

"Oh and, when I'm gone, you aren't allowed to kiss anyone. Or have sex." Luca rested one of his hands on my thigh and the other on the wheel.

"No duh. Are you jealous?" I smirked evilly.

"Don't give me sass. Did you forget I just fucked you senselessly in the back?" Luca told me without looking away from the road.

(Rip that pussy AYEEE, I'm getting ripped tonight! Sorry lmfao, I had to)

I gave him my signature eye roll and crossed my arms. "Do you know when you're coming back?" I asked.

"In about a week. You'll be fine. You are a mafia leader and you have Kevan with you. He's more than enough entertainment." He shrugged it off like it was nothing.

"I'm coming with you." I turned my head to face him.

"No you aren't. It's not even a big deal. All we're doing is finding Isabelle and ending all the shit we have with her." He told me.

"Well If it's not a big deal, you won't mind me coming. I've already made up my mind and you won't change it." I huffed.

"Hazel. I'm telling you now, you aren't coming and don't play dumb." He shook his head.

"Let's see who gets the final say in the end." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Okay sweetheart, if you wanna play it that way, walk in a straight line and walk normally. You won't be able to after what I did with you. That gives you more of a risk at getting hurt." He stopped the car harshly at a stop light.

"If I even have a little bit of a risk getting hurt, that means you do too. Why are you putting yourself up to this stuff? Just let her flee and deal with her when she comes back." I looked over at him.

He glanced back at me and sighed. "She knows about you and Kevan. If we don't do what she asked, she'll hurt you and I don't want that happening to you guys. Well, I don't want that happening to you. I guess Kevan too."

"How does she even know about Kevan? She hasn't even met the man." I asked, concerned.

"You're asking me like I know. That's why you need to stay as far away from me as possible. And stay in a hotel where nobody knows where you are." He started driving once the green light blinked open.

"So I definitely can't come." I slumped back in my chair.

"As much as I want you beside me at all times, you could hurt yourself and I wouldn't be able to forgive myself knowing I could've made the outcome turn out differently." He shrugged and gripped my thigh tighter.

I sighed softly and nodded. "I won't come."

"Good, now, let's see what Kevan and Andre blew up. We left them alone for a little too long, something definitely is broken." Luca chuckled as we pulled into the parking lot of a small unknown hotel.

"God, you're right." I sighed in realization and clicked my seatbelt off.

Luca let me go and did the same. We both hopped out the car and fixed our clothes.

"So I'm just gonna live in here for a week without any clothes? And Kevan, oh my god Kevan. He definitely knows what we did and he's going to annoy me until I tell him every little detail." I groaned.

Luca chuckled and pulled me into a hug. "The offer for shooting him is still up."

"Luca, stop being dumb." I hugged him back.

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