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Andre Brown

I whistled around the hallways casually, not making it obvious that I just beat the shit out of Isabitch.

"Andrew. Where were you." I heard my mother ask from behind.

"I said I don't like being called Andrew. My name is Andre." I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"I'm your mother, I call you whatever I want. I haven't seen you in a while, where were you and your brother?" She crossed her arms.

"We were literally getting pizza. Why do you care so much? Respectfully, please don't beat me." I told her.

"I won't touch you. And I need to know because something happened with our mafia and another mafia. You might know the name, Hazel Torres?" She searched my face for any kind of response.

"Oh, the girl Luca likes. I know her, but I have no idea what happened." I acted all innocent.

"Ah, well she's gone missing, and we need to kill her. This might seem evil, but I need you to help your father and I to kidnap your brother. We need to lure her in with Luca." She squinted her eyes.

"I love my brother, but I know family matters and I'll do it for you guys." I smiled.

"Ah great. Don't tell your brother." She told me before walking away. "Of course." I smiled as she got out of sight.

Now I gotta go back to tell Luca.

I rushed past the doors in the hallway and down the stairs. I saw as Isabelle held ice up to her face and Luca laughing at her.

"Lucaaaa, can you come here please. Actually no please. Just come here." I stood far away from Isabitch as possible.

She probably had 50 types of STDS and diseases that are still not known yet.

"What." He towered over me in question.

"Elias and mom are planning to kidnap you to lure Hazel. She just told me not to tell you but I don't care. You owe me." I poked him in the chest and walked to the kitchen.

"Woah woah woah, back the fuck up." He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to where I was standing.

"Excuse you." I gave him a nasty look.

"Kidnap me? So like, hire someone to take me?" He asked.

"Bitch, I don't know. Why are you asking me?" I raised my eyebrow at him. We were whispering so that animal couldn't hear us.

"You really are no help." Luca released his grip and walked past me. I shrugged and pranced away. I was bored, so I walked to the kitchen to eat.

I haven't eaten in hours, I was STARVED.

I searched the fridge and cabinets for anything to eat. I just found a bag of chips and settled at that. I also got three smoothies for Kevan, Hazel and I. I was going to visit them in a second.

"Three smoothies?" Isabitch asked from a far distance.

"Yeah, Luca and I. The third one is for you!" I smiled at her.

"Wait really?" Her eyes lit up.

"No, sit down and don't think about talking to me again." I rolled my eyes and walked out the front door.

I heard her groan as I closed the door behind me and made my way to the back of the house where the basement was.

I looked around before jumped down. I looked around to see the cigarettes in the same place. All those stupid memories of my addiction gashed through my head. I was going through something then, and I never want to go back.

I snapped myself back to reality and walked over to the guest room.

"I'm here, and I brought smoothies." I announced once I entered the room where they were staying.

"Ayee!" Kevan shouted as he took one from my hand.

Hazel glanced at me then fell back onto the bed. "I'm not thirsty." She sighed.

"Okay then, more for me." I laughed and sat in the edge of the bed.

"Where is Luca. I want him." She whined. "Excuse you, I'm the better one." I huffed.

"Can you pour liquor in the smoothie instead of plain old fruits?" She jumped up from her spot and asked.

"Dear god no. If you get drunk, you might do something stupid, and Luca would murder me." I looked at her up and down.

"Last time she got drunk, she had the WORST hangover." Kevan added.

"Tell me everything." My curiosity took over.

"No, if you say anything, Ill shoot you." Hazel threatened Kevan.

"Sorry Andre. You heard the lady." Kevan shrugged.

I laughed and felt a buzz in my side pocket. Wy would anyone be texting me?

I pulled out my phone to see a text message from Luca.

Luca: are you with Hazel and Kevan rn?

Me: Ye, Tf you want.

Luca: well we have a huge fucking problem. Isabelle fled, and the note she left is honestly mouth drop worthy.

Me: shit, what does it say?

Luca: come and see it for yourself. Trust me, you'll be shocked.

Me: k enough texting, I'm coming.

I put my phone away and looked up at Kevan and Hazel.

"I have to go but I'll be back to feed you guys some more. Apparently Isabitch ran away and left a note for us. It's very shocking Luca says." I told them as I stood up to walk out.

"Tell me what it said when you come back." Kevan whispered. Hazel just watched me leave quietly.

I gave them a thumbs up and scattered out of the guest room. I left out the basement and ran in through the front door.

"Here." Luca passed me the note and sat down on the couch.

Hello fellas. You must be wondering why I'm gone right now. Well I'm not gone forever, I'll be back in about a week or two, unless you do as I say. Luca and Andre, I'm sure you're the ones who will find this first. You probably hate me right now, but I am warning you, I know all your secrets and if you think about not marrying me, I'll kill Hazel and Kevan up in that guest room. Messing with me wasn't the best choice, if you find me soon, I'll stop bothering you guys. Are you up for the challenge? Don't miss me while I'm gone. Love you ;).

"Is she serious? How did she find out?" I looked up at Luca.

"I don't know, but we need to get them out of there soon." He shrugged.

"I'm so confused right now." I placed the note in my back pocket so that my father wouldn't find it.

"So am I. But I have a bed feeling she's doing something to get rid of Hazel. Andre, I think we need to go on a brotherly mission again." Luca walked over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"And what about the kidnapping thing?" I asked.

"I'll be fine." He told me.

"Then I say we go on that mission." I smirked back.


Super late update but it's fine. I don't have school tomorrow for some stupid ass reason. But I'm not complaining.

Anyway, this chapter sucks asf bc I'm tired and I can't write when I'm tired, so I apologize!

Also, change of POV👀👀👀

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