The Unforseen Simulation Joint Part 1

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Kendo - What's wrong with me (Sob) Why are they so mean (sob) . I didn't choose to be born this way .

Ibara - Nothing is wrong with you. Your perfect just the way you are.

Kendo - Really?

Kodai - Yeah. You don't need to look good in their eyes.

Monoma - Your art and funny. You'll never need to change.

Kendo - (Cleans her tears) Thanks guys

Aizawa - You done yet or you guys need to make out .

1-b - No sir!

Vlad king - Good . Now let's begin.

But Suddenly a 16 year old appeared before us.

Aizawa - Who are you.

Izuku - None of your business. (Scoff) This is the next generation of heroes? Shameful

Izumi - You better watch your mouth punk.

Katsuki - Yeah your outnumbered and probably weaker than those 1-b losers.

1-a - Yeah!

Izuku - Wow you guys are discriminating your fellow heroes in training. You guys aren't event worth the hero killers  time. I'm going home

Izumi - Detroit Smaaaaah! 'How do you like that you little degenerate'

She sent izuku flying into the wall.

Shōkaki - See we told you he couldn't do jack shit.

Izuku - (Teleports behind her) I'm surprised out of all them even you don't recognize me. I look exactly the same.

Shoto : Izuku? Your supposed to be gone.

Izuku - So is your mother. Quick question why are they cowering in fear (points towards 1-b)

Vlad - What the hell are you guys doing? Get up and fight.

Ochaco - Leave them. They won't be of any help anyway.

Izuku - I'll just bring in the real fight. Kurogiri Now!


Shigaraki - So this is the fabled class 1-a?

Dabi - Just show me who I get to fight

Toga - Do we get to kill anyone?

Izuku - The only one here that gets to fight is Shigaraki. The rest of us will observe.

Shigaraki - So I get to fight Allmight. (Creepy smile) Thank you master.

Aizawa - Where the hell do they keep coming from

Momo - The portals duh

Izuku - Kurogiri this is boring teleport the fastest one to wherever all might is then split up the students.

Kurogiri - Very well(Teleports Iida to UA's main building)

Izuku - So while that's happening why don't we make things a little more interesting. (Points at Izumi) First one to kill the girl in green hair becomes the new leader.


Izumi - Why me ?

Ochaco - We have to protect Izumi. Not like it'll be hard. They are all low level villans.

Bakugo - Aw yeah let's kill some villans.

Shoto - Let's do this.

Izumi - Detroit Smash!!!

Izuku - 'Smart. The hit the ground causing a shockwave damaging the villans but abstained from damaging her class mates. Not bad for a novice.

Izumi - You couldn't even get proper underlings.

Toru - And you call yourselves villans

Denki - I think I'll talked out the strongest one. Lightning bolt . 100% output. 

Lightning bolt - It does what is says it does. Fires a lightning bolt strong enough to kill anyone. Also it tracks so you can't run away from it!

Denki - See ya!

Toga - Master !

Shigaraki- Sensei !

Dabi - Not good

Villans - Dodge it!

Izuku - (Stands up and gets hit by lightning bolt) To think you think you can beat me with that is a pity. Let me show you what a real lightning attack looks like

Izuku - Monkey

Izumi - What are you doing Deku?

Izuku - Dragon

Bakugo - Give it up Deku

Izuku - Rat

Shoto - You will always be a useless deku

Izuku - Bird

Shōkaki - Come on Izuku. You can't beat anyone of us

Izuku - Ox

Aizawa - Give up villan

Izuku -  Snake → Dog → Tiger → Monkey! (Suddenly lightning started to uncontrollably flicker in his hands) Hrm who to kill first. Who do you suggest Dabi , Toga

Dabi - I suggest Shōkaki

Toga - Izumi please

Izuku-  oh I like that. Shadow clone jitsu(One clone of izuku Pears with a blue  rotating energy ball in his had) Hey catch these. (Throws kunais)

Shōkaki &Izumi - (Catches kunais) What a waste. I knew you'd disappoint us.

But they didn't see his true intentions

Izuku & Shadow clone - 'Rule number 1: a ninja must see through deception'

Shadow clone - Rasengan!

Izuku - Chidori!

Aizawa - Watch out.

But it was too late. Shōkaki and Izumi. Two of 1-a's strongest students were KO'D.

Izuku - Who's next

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