The pack has surrounded the fire the omegas created a while ago. Aurora and the two alphas sat down next to each other, San between the two of them.

"Why don't you eat, pups?" Aurora asked the two omegas on her left. They smiled kindly at her, feeling safe in her presence.

"We were waiting for you, alpha," May, the little delicate omega with charming green eyes going well with her brown hair, answered while Jisung smiled and snuggled up to Minho, who was sitting beside him.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me by my name, sweetheart?" She asked the omega, patting her head.

"But it's so weird now when you are the leader, Rora," one of the betas answered in May's place, smiling teasingly.

"Maybe it is, Amy, but don't forget who practically raised you."

"Oh come on, Rora, I'm only three years younger than you," Amy talked back with a mischievous smile. Her blonde hair were reflecting the fire they were sitting by, her unique eyes, green around pupils, brown further from them, having their own playful fire in them.

"And yet you're still more of my daughter than sister," Aurora counter-attacked with a loving smile.

"Okay, I give up, you're right." Everyone around the fire erupted in laughter, this conversation being too familiar to everyone. Amy was a very bright girl who could make anyone feel better. She was Aurora's pup the second her and her father found her wounded in woods. Three years old beta wounded and left behind, her pack abandoned her. Nobody knew who her parents were or which pack she was born into, but Aurora's father did not hesitate to bring Amy into Clarity, making her the new member of the pack. Aurora was in charge of Amy, being basically her mother from when she was six.

Apart from Aurora, it was really hard for Amy to leave her alpha, since he and Aurora took her in and had taken care of her for twelve years, despite that she hasn't shown any of her feelings apart from the good, happy ones. She didn't let anyone treat her like a baby. Amy is independent and on the top of it, she is also stubborn. Maybe she wasn't the best at combat or didn't have the potential in natural medicine, but she was a very fast runner and the best hunter in the pack. Her treats and manners after Aurora, she was glad she could accompany her to pack's new destination.

"Okay, now, before anyone goes to sleep, I want to ask you a very serious question." Aurora looked at every person, getting a slight nod from Jay, which gave her the courage to continue.

"San, the alpha we came across today, has asked for my approval. He wants to join our pack and I'm open about letting him join in. But before that, I wanted to make sure everyone agrees. I don't want to let anyone wander around if they want to belong somewhere and I believe we can benefit from it as well. Our pack is small and we have just three alphas, that makes our pack vulnerable." Aurora was interrupted by a whisper.

"We have you, though." Aurora smiled at the whispering beta, whose ears turned crimson red.

"Thank you, Josh, but our number is still small and we can be outnumbered easily. I think one more alpha could come in handy if we ever encounter a bigger pack which would want to cause troubles. In no means I want to persuade you on agreeing, but whether you agree or not, he will come with us until we encounter a pack he wants to go with." Aurora paused for a minute to let everyone think about what she had said. San was restless, he wanted to join this pack, he was drawn to the omega leader and he wanted to stay with her until he found out why he feels the way he feels.

"Does someone disagree with San being a new member of Clarity?" she asked after some time. Nobody responded.

"Does everyone agree?" She had to be sure, she can't let anyone be uncertain about this, this was a serious question and it could greatly affect everything and everyone.

The pack leader (ff San, Seonghwa)Where stories live. Discover now