The Clarity pack counts ten members - three alphas, four betas and three omegas, including Aurora. Their small pack made it easier for them to travel, however, it was difficult for them to stay all day long in their wolf forms, running and getting breaks just for a drink, which you couldn't exactly call a drink, since they stopped by river and drank from it, but they had to be careful, nobody should see them. They also had to be cautious when they went hunting, the pack needed to eat as well, and for that, they had hunting lessons back in the old days when they were younger. Aurora always sent away different pairings, but they've always consisted of an alpha and a beta. They only shifted back to their human body once they found a safe place for them to make a tent, light a fire, eat and sleep, always having someone to patrol.

That was their daily routine through the last week. They only managed to get closer to the borders of countries, but not crossing it yet. Aurora was very serious about the place they would pass the borders, since they can't be seen by anyone, but just going north wouldn't be safe. She remembered the map, she remembered exactly which way she should lead her pack, but the borders were a bit of a trouble for the new leader. She thought about it almost all the time, her reflexes intensified so she could concentrate on more than one thing at the same time.

Protecting her pack was her number one priority, no matter how long it would take them to actually get to the destination everyone agreed on, she was willing to slow down if it meant her pack was going to be safe.


'Yes, Minho?' Minho was, like almost every other member of the pack, Aurora's childhood friend. They were best friends, even to that extent that they once called themselves soulmates. They had quite a history with each other, oftenly making them awkward around one another.

'There's a river about a kilometre to the east, should I head there?' He asked in a private link. That was a thing between mates, who could share just their own conversations if they didn't want anyone to hear, or between alpha of a pack and any member of a pack, if alpha allowed so. Pack link let everyone in their pack hear the conversation, but private link would be just heard by the two who were sharing it.

'Yes. Thank you, Minho.'

Aurora always let Minho or the other two alphas, Jay and Mark, lead the pack while she ensured everyone was safe and no one has been lost from the back. She always went through the plan of the path for that day in the morning with the alpha who was assigned to lead for the day, always ready to repeat for them if the alpha forgot, which barely happened.

'We're going to get a short break by the river. Please, be careful.'

'Yes, leader.'

They were leaving the river when Aurora felt it, something in her chest told her something wasn't right. She looked back, but there was nothing.

She tried to ignore the feeling, but the further they ran, the worse the feeling got. It intensified every second to the point she couldn't take it anymore. Then...


She felt another wolf close, very close. And a loner at that. She didn't know how she knew it, but she hadn't had the time to think about it.

'I know, I sense them.'

She was nervous, they actually haven't tried yet the formation she was about to tell her pack to get to, the lonely wolf not helping, since she hasn't ever met one.

'Everyone, listen to me! We're not stopping, but slow down and get closer. One alpha at the end, two on the sides, betas on the sides, omegas in the middle. I'm gonna go to the front. Some loner is headed our way. No one can hurt our omegas, understood?'

The pack leader (ff San, Seonghwa)Where stories live. Discover now