Chapter 25

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A/n: okay this is also kind of like a filler chapter, I don't even know if that makes sense. I had a dream where this happened between and my 6th grade teacher, I've been dreaming about her lately idk why but yeah. Anyways I hope you enjoy his chapter. Also am I the only one that ends up crying after a dream about a certain character from a show, cause I had one of Ms. Venable and I cried when I woke up cause it wasn't real.


Y/n POV :

The next day, me and Emily didn't really do much since Hotch gave us 3 days off. We watched tv, cleaned, the basic things people do in a day. It was getting kind of late but you were hungry, there was only one thing you wanted, pizza. "Babe?"

Emily: Yes, princess?

Y/n: Can we get pizza?

Emily: But we just ate soup, don't you think it's getting late?

Your crawled onto her lap and put your hands around her neck.

Y/n: Please

Emily: y/n I don't want you to get heartburn.

Y/n: Please, Mommy

Emily: Fine, but only because you said please.

Y/n: Thank you.

Emily ordered a large cheese pizza for the both of you along with an order of cinnamon sticks that you begged her for. Once the delivery guy arrived with the food, you paid and of course gave a tip. Emily questioned why you paid instead of her, you didn't like talking to other people that much, it made you uncomfortable so that's why you had Emily order the food. You got bored after a while so you went on your phone and started looking at things you could buy for you and Emily. You found Emily a necklace with her name on it...

you also saw that one of your friends from California was giving a cat for a adoption

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you also saw that one of your friends from California was giving a cat for a adoption. Sergio probably felt lonely when you and Emily weren't home so you decided not to tell Emily about the cat. Your friend told you that they would drop of the cat to you themselves which was good because you didn't want to take a 4-5 hour flight back. Well that and you didn't want memories from around where you used to live to come back. You went back to California every now and then to visit your parents and siblings but other than that you didn't go because it made you remember the good times you had there and soon turned to sad and happy memories.

1 week later :

You still weren't aloud to go back to work yet, you didn't mind it, you were going back the up coming Monday. Emily was at work when your friend dropped off the cat, you still had to name her. Emily called you two hours later telling you she was coming home early, you quickly cleaned up the apartment and feed the cats. What if she doesn't let me keep the cat? I can't give the cat away now, I already got attached to her.

Emily opened the door to her apartment and at first didn't see the cat until she noticed that you were acting weird. The cat walked up to you and rubbed her head against you leg.

Emily: Where did that cat come from?


A/n: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Xx Please leave suggestions on what the next chapter should be cause I have no clue.

This is how the cat looks like btw: ( what should the name be?)

This is how the cat looks like btw: ( what should the name be?)

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