Chapter 28

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A/n: sorry for the late update, school has been a pain. I hope you enjoy this chapters, again I'm not good at smut so sorry if this sucks.I apologize in advance.



Y/n POV :

* ring, ring, ring*

The noise of my phone ringing woke me up from my deep slumber, everything was extremely bright for some reason. My head was pounding from being hung over, my phone had stopped ringing when I had decided to answer it. Great. I laid back down and groaned from the pain of my headache, right as I closed my eyes, my phone rings. Of course. "Agent y/l/n" , " Morning sleeping beauty ! I just wanted to let you know that there won't be a case today, just paperwork." After I said  thank you to Garcia, I slowly got up and took a shower before getting dressed and going to work.

On my way there I stopped and got myself a coffee to help me wake up. As I entered through the large glass doors, I could hear Emily and Morgan arguing about something that I couldn't really focus on. Everything was loud and bright which just made everything worse. Hotch ended up coming out of his office to tell Emily and Morgan to get back to work, we made eye contact for just a second before he went back into his office. What did I do last night. Or more importantly, what did I say. Luckily I didn't have a lot of paperwork like other days, I was slowly writing as I started to have a feeling someone was watching me. Looking up, I saw that it was Emily. She didn't say anything, she just looked at me and smirked.

Y/n: What?

Emily: Looks like you had fun last night.

Y/n: Ohh shut up

That's where I messed up. I'm going to regret that later.

Emily looked at me with a look on her face that said "You'll regret that". Morgan on the other hand was listening to the short conversation and started laughing after I  told Emily to shut up. After that everyone went quiet as they continued to work, the only should you could hear was the noises of writing and paper flipping. An hour later, I ran out of coffee so I went to the kitchen and made myself more. Reid came afterwards so I made enough for the both of us, Reid noticed that you were hungover so he just let you be and left with his coffee. Lots of sugar is what I needed in that moment, so I decided to copy Reid and pour a lot of sugar into my coffee. It wasn't that bad.

Finally after finishing a pile of paperwork, I turned it in and got ready to leave. By this this around the day my headache finally went down and I felt better. Everyone had already went home so it was just me and Hotch at the BAU, I went to go say bye to Hotch but he seemed sad when he looked at me. Of course he wouldn't tell me what was wrong, so after failing to convince him to tell me, I went home and took a nap. Sleep was what you need the most that day. Not even 5 minutes later, I was knocked out.
I couldn't even remember when I closed my eyes, that's how tired I was.

Time skip to 11 pm...

Once again I was woken up by the sound of my phone ringing, this time I was annoyed. Hotch had said that you guys could have a couple days off since Mother's Day was coming up.

Y/n: What?!

Emily: Now that's not a nice way to answer the phone, now is it ?

Y/n: I'm sorry, I'm still not feeling well. This is probably the worst hungover I ever had.

Emily: I bet, well I just want to say that I'm coming over with some soup and painkillers.

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