Chapter 5

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A/N: These sentences are Emily's thoughts. Plz, let me know what you think about this chapter this all just came to mind as I started to write.xx

Emily's POV:

Y/n seemed a bit off today, she won't tell me what's bothering her which makes me wonder if I'm the problem. Maybe the Idea of us having to go undercover as a couple is what is making her act differently towards me.

I noticed y/n and JJ having a great time on the jet, y/n looked so cute while she was singing. Normally I wouldn't care if JJ hung out with y/n but she laid down on y/n's lap and that made me feel angry. Sadly, y/n would never like me the same way I like her. I snapped out of my thoughts as I eared the door to our hotel room would start to make noise. I heard a key enter the door so I knew it was y/n.

Y/N: Hey :)

I love her smile so much, it makes my whole day complete.

Emily: Hey :)

She walked to her bed to put her stuff in the small closet we were going to share. Her body language changed when she turned around saw me staring at her. Right away I noticed that he started to play with her necklace again, she got nervous again and it was because of me.

God your so stupid Emily, she caught you staring at her!

She sat down and went on her phone, so I decided I should do it too.

5 mins later.......

I heard y/n chuckle a little and at first, I thought she must have just seen a meme or a funny video but then she said: " wow JJ really is something else haha". This made me feel angry cause JJ was getting y/n's attention this whole day and all I got was small talk. The next thing I know there's a knock at our door, I get up to answer it and I see it was Garcia and JJ.

Garcia: Hey my brown-eyed beauty, we wanted to know if you two wanted to have a little girl's night?

Emily: u-um sure, y/n is that okay with you?

Y/N: yeah of course! :)

There was that sweet smile that I loved so much. This made me feel happy again, I just brushed off my anger towards JJ and decided to just forget about it. The first thing we do is order Chinese food cause none of us really got to have a lunch break cause of the case. Meanwhile, we waited we decided to play truth or dare.

Boy, this is going to be fun.

Y/N: Okay um JJ you go first!

JJ: Okay! Uuuhhh Emily Truth or dare?

Emily: Truth

Y/N: The Badass Emily Prentiss isn't taking a dare?! So brave!

Emily: Shut up before I show you how brave I am.

Y/N: Make me.

This took me by surprise, if JJ and Garcia weren't here I would have taken her right here right now. Instead I just playful punched her on the arm and turned back to JJ. Garcia had the biggest smile on her face and I was confused about why she was smiling so much.

Emily: Why are you smiling so much Garcia?

Garcia: ohh nothing

JJ: Okay, Emily is it true that you are scared of dogs?

Y/n was looking at me with a look that said 'is that true?!'

Emily: Y-yes it's true.

Y/N: Aww Emily's scared of doggies, that's so cute!

Emily: If you don't stop I'm literally going to tackle you to the ground.

Y/N: It's okay Em I'll protect you.

She hugged me from the back and snuggled her face into my neck. At first, I didn't know how to respond but then I melted into her arms. It was the best feeling ever. But I wasn't going to let her baby me the whole night, do' get me wrong I love it but I was going to give her a taste of her own medicine. ;)


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