Chapter 9

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A/N: Please let me know what you guys think abt this chapter :) xx

The day went by really quick, you didn't stop thinking about what you were going to wear or how you were going to act when it was time for you to go undercover. You just really hoped you wouldn't mess it up because you wanted to prove that you're serious about your job and that you're capable of doing certain things to get the job done. You went back to the hotel and you waited till it was at least an hour till you had to be at the bar. Meanwhile, you ate Chick-fil-a for dinner and you just did what you normally would do when you weren't working.

It was finally 10 pm so you decided to get dressed, you wondered where Emily was cause she didn't come back to the hotel all day. You got dressed in a nice cute dress that you had always wanted to wear.

y/n's dress:

( the glasses are a part of the outfit)

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( the glasses are a part of the outfit)

You started to get worried about Emily because she still wasn't at the hotel and you guys only had 30 minutes before you had to leave. You called Garcia to know if she knew where Emily was....

Garcia 😚🤪: Hello Love!

Y/N: Hey, do you know where Emily is, we have to leave in 30 minutes?

Garcia😚🤪: Ohh I'm so sorry, I took her shopping cause Emily said she didn't bring anything to wear. I'll have her there in 5.

Y/N: Okay Thanks P.G

You both said Goodbye to each other and hung up. You waited at the hotel for Emily to arrive. 5 minutes later Emily walked into the hotel and apologized for being late and ran into the bathroom to get changed. Once both of you were ready you walked out to the parking lot and went to the bar.

Emily's dress:

Emily's dress:

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At the bar

Once you both were there you turned to look at Emily and she smiled back at you before getting out of the car. Before you could get out of the car Emily opened the door for you, you gave her a confused look and she just smiled back.

I guess Emily's already into character, okay y/n whatever you don't blow your cover.

You walk into the bar and you decide to hold Emily's hand to make it seem like you both were in a relationship. You thought Emily would be uncomfortable but for some reason, she wasn't. She just led you guys to a booth where you guys could sit during the time you guys had to be at the bar. You and Emily had a watch that had a speaker connected to it so that way the team could hear what was happening around you guys. You got up and asked Emily if she wanted something to drink, she told you what kind of drink she wanted and you walked off to the bar. You were about to go back to the booth when a blonde woman walked up to you, she tried getting your number but you told her that you weren't interested and you walked away. You saw Emily's body language seem a bit tense like if she was angry, you looked at her with a worried look and asked her....

Y/N: Em are you okay you seem a bit tense?

Emily: Yeah I just didn't like that woman bothering you.

Y/N: oh yeah I told her I wasn't interested.

Emily: why?

Y/N: C-cause I'm already interested in some.

Emily: Can I know who it is?

Y/N: u-uhh sorry but no, I haven't told anyone who it is.

Emily: Okay I understand.

An hour passed by and nothing happened, you and Emily were having a good time talking to each other, you asked her if she wanted to dance, she said yes and the both of you went to the dance floor. Bon appétit by Katy Perry was playing when both of you finally made it to the dance floor. The both of you were dancing together when you noticed a man wearing all black looking at you from the bar, you looked back at Emily to make sure he didn't know you were looking at him.

Y/N: Em I think I see the unsub

Emily: Where?

Y/N: Don't make it obvious but he's sitting at the bar looking at us.

You spun Emily around and then back to you, she nodded and then described the unsub out loud so that hotch and the team knew how he looked like. As you both were dancing you felt burning on your abdomen, you winced out loud from the pain and Emily looks at you, and then she sees that you're bleeding. Before she could see if you were okay you saw the unsub take out a gun and point it at Emily, before he could shoot you pushed Emily to the ground, and the next thing you know you felt a large amount of pain in your shoulder. You fell to the ground from all the pain you were feeling, your eyesight starts to get blurry as you see Morgan tackle the unsub to the ground and put handcuffs on him. Emily rushed to your side and put her hands on your stab wound because it had started bleeding a lot. You couldn't hear what she was saying because all you could think about was the pain, you knew you weren't going to die because the wounds weren't that deep, well that's what you thought. Everything went dark, as you passed out the only thing you could hear was Emily yelling for a paramedic.

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