Something Different

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Kakyoin couldn't help but jump slightly at the sudden touch, strong hands having snaked their way from his waist to rest on his stomach. Upon quickly realizing who it was, Kakyoin turned himself away from the stove he had been cooking that nights meal on to reciprocate the affectionate touch. The hands now resting on his lower back as he pressed his cheek into the other's chest, he closed his eyes and whispered "I missed you."

Despite his size and intimidating appearance, Jotaro was a quiet person, meticulous in everything he did. Along with that, he had a habit of sneaking up on people, whether he intended to or not. It was only until he took it upon himself to get their attention that they did notice his enormous presence. Kakyoin knew him very well. After all, that was how they had first truly met.

Kakyoin had never particularly considered himself a hard worker, but he did what he could to live well on his own while he studied at a nearby university. Despite the bar he worked at being located in a part of the city infamous for its crime rates and strange occurrences, he did enjoy his job as much as the next person in his situation. The place was clean, he enjoyed seeing some of the regulars, and it was flexible enough for him to center his schedule around. Unfortunately, that meant working some nights almost into the early morning. Of course, he had little to worry about while being well above the national average height, but he could never help the lingering feeling of being followed.

It was one of those days when Kakyoin ended up leaving work later than expected, his face downcast as he sluggishly pulled the door behind him closed. Despite his fatigue and less than great mood, the late Winter air helped lift his spirits slightly. As he walked down his usual route back home, he made note of the unusually windy day, his hair fluttering into his face as he contemplated buying a drink from a vending machine he was approaching. For a moment, he felt mildly disappointed as he noticed a printer sized sheet of paper taped to the front glass of the machine, fluttering wildly in the wind. With one hand, Kakyoin smoothed the sheet against the glass, only to be met with a confusing array of English paragraphs. He wasn't yet fluent in English so it took him a moment to make out the meaning of it all, but it didn't matter much when he suddenly felt someone wrap an arm around his neck. Immediately, he pulled at the arm that held him in a chokehold, his body flush against the assailants as he struggled to call out. He thrashed around the most he could, but to no avail. As he finally felt himself losing consciousness under the merciless grip, his eyes rolled upwards in a last attempt to see who his attacker was.

Initially, Kakyoin resisted. Memories of him lying on his side on the bare-wood floor plagued Jotaro's mind. His arms were wrapped around himself, almost like a child, a pathetic look on his face as blood trickled in a stream from his nose and down his battered cheek. A spatter of blood streaked the floor across from his face, his eyes focused on nothing in particular as he desperately forced air into his lungs. Jotaro stood above him, taking in the sight he had created, the sound of Kakyoin wheezing for breath resounding through the quiet room.

Then, sometimes, Kakyoin would reciprocate. He wouldn't yell and kick anymore when Jotaro would enter to clean and dress his wounds. When Jotaro presented him with quality food, he wouldn't spit at him or attempt to toss it away. Eventually, he didn't even seem to mind mild acts of affection from his captor. As far as Jotaro was concerned, things were working out just perfectly. As his mother would say in fond memories from his childhood, "What comes easy won't last."

It was nearing Summer, the bedroom window had been left slightly open to let in the cool night breeze, a dim light pouring in from between the parted curtains. Jotaro could just barely make out the shape of Kakyoin's body under the silky sheet that covered him. He watched as his chest rose and fell, the half of his face unconcealed by the darkness revealing his slightly parted lips. For a long while, Jotaro simply sat next to him as he watched him sleep peacefully, nestled in the sheets and pillows of their shared bed. Tentatively, he reached out a hand to touch his hair, slowly moving to caress the side of his face.

How nostalgic.

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