Unintentional Surprise Gift

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After a long day at work, all Jotaro Kujo wanted was to go home, get a drink, and rest.

It had been snowing recently and the wind that night was especially harsh. Paired with his ongoing struggles of trying to finally kick his smoking habit and cut down on drinking, along with his continuously busy work schedule to top it all off, Jotaro felt himself burning out. He felt so burnt out that he nearly didn't hear or see the small brown lump of fur partially sticking out of one of the bushes lining an apartment building along the sidewalk.

Stopping in his tracks, Jotaro stared at the animal for a moment, his eyes blurry from fatigue and the cold. After a long moment, he swore he could make out what appeared to be little paws and a tail, unmoving aside from when the wind passed through its fur. Slowly, he crouched down to pull it out, partially surprised but relieved when he felt it begin to weakly shiver and squirm around in his hands. While Jotaro was no expert on house pets, he could see it must not have been more than a few weeks old. Even through his thick gloves, he could feel the puppy's emaciated body. With a frown, he opened the top part of his coat and gingerly placed the puppy inside, holding it against his chest as he hurried back to his apartment with more reason than before.

As quietly as he could, Jotaro opened the apartment door and slipped inside before too much cold air got in. The apartment he shared with his partner was rather small but comfortable, although at times like this, it made it hard to hide certain things. Kakyoin was lying on the living room couch asleep, probably having fallen asleep while waiting for Jotaro to come home. After a brief moment of hesitation and making sure Kakyoin wouldn't wake up, Jotaro hastily made his way to the bathroom where he began to run the hot water to fill a heating pad with and got towels to wrap the puppy in. Around an hour later, he had managed to clean and dry the puppy off as much as he could and placed it in a woven towel basket next to the bathroom heater. It seemed to have already gone to sleep while Jotaro was picking the last bits of mud and burrs out of its fur, so he decided he would worry about what to feed and do with it tomorrow. At the moment though, he didn't exactly plan on letting Kakyoin find out about it.

The topic of getting a pet had come up before, although both of them knew with how busy their lives could get it probably wasn't the best time. Still though, Kakyoin had always had a way of getting what he wanted out of Jotaro, and Jotaro didn't plan on letting himself get convinced into keeping a dog just yet. As he mulled over the idea while walking to the kitchen, he heard a shifting noise come from the living room.

"Did you have a shower?" Came Kakyoin's sleepy voice.

Jotaro could see him lift himself onto his elbows and begin to look for where he was. After getting a glass of water, he went to see Kakyoin had already lied down again and seemed to be falling back asleep, his eyes half lidded as he looked at Jotaro. Pushing Kakyoin's legs aside to make a space for himself to sit, Jotaro reached over to rub Kakyoin's back in circles.

"Come on, sit up. Were you waiting for me?"

Handing the glass of water to Kakyoin as he shifted to sit against him, Jotaro wrapped an arm around Kakyoin's shoulders to hold him closer.

"Umm, we had finished early for the day around two in the evening so I just went out to get groceries and that thing you needed," Kakyoin said tiredly. "Oh, I also tried using your weights," he said with a small grin, as if it were something mischievous to do.

"Oh, you."

Jotaro pressed his lips against Kakyoin's neck as drank the water that had been given to him, giggling into the glass at the tickling sensation. Eventually, the two of them ended up in their shared bed, Kakyoin's back pressed against Jotaro's chest.

By morning, Jotaro was woken up by Kakyoin slipping out of bed. As Jotaro tried to wrap an arm around the other's waist to prompt him to stay in bed a little longer, his hand was pushed away gently.

"I told an acquaintance I'd discuss some business with him over a coffee today, remember? I'll be back in a few hours."

As Jotaro lay in bed, he watched as Kakyoin picked his clothes for the day from the dresser and headed to the bathroom. From there, he could hear grumbles about how he had already told him to stop washing his muddy shoes in the sink and that he left it a mess. Suddenly, there was a small gasp.

Rushing out of the bathroom, bundle of towels in hand, Kakyoin held up the puppy for Jotaro to see. Jotaro sat up straight away, hoping his panic wouldn't show through his face.

"You got me a puppy?"

As he thought about what to say, the look of surprise and delight on Kakyoin's face was too good to ruin just yet.

"Ah, erm...maybe?"

He would just have to break the truth to him later. That is, if Kakyoin didn't manage to get things to go his way first.

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