Something About You Only I Know (2) *(NSFW)*

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"Already excited?"

"Eh? Oh."

Perhaps Jotaro had gotten ahead of himself, already feeling too comfortable with the escalation of things, but he could barely control himself. Almost as soon as the two had gotten to his room and locked the door they were on top of each other, Kakyoin eventually settling on straddling Jotaro's lap while they made out. Holding one hand on Kakyoin's lower back to give support, Jotaro firmly palmed at the bulge pressing into his stomach, watching as the other let out a breathy laugh at the sensation. "You haven't been with anyone else, have you?" Jotaro asked between kisses.

"Ahh, well," Kakyoin replied breathily through an awkward smile, averting his eyes to the side as he contemplated a response. "Why bother lying, I suppose. I went out with a few women, but we never went too far. I'm sure it's hard for a guy as attractive as you to imagine, getting turned down by girls at the last minute when they realize how pathetic you are unde—"

Before he could finish the thought, Jotaro grabbed his face in one hand, forcing it back to expose his neck. Surprised, and slightly uncomfortable at the way his cheeks were being awkwardly squished, he couldn't help but squirm slightly as Jotaro began to place hard kisses on his neck. Once he seemed satisfied, Jotaro placed a hard kiss on Kakyoin's lips before finally letting his face go, watching as he tentatively rubbed his cheek with one hand.

"You're a lot more brash than I expected."

"Is that right?

"Yeah," Kakyoin mumbled, letting himself get pushed back onto the bed as Jotaro went to work unbuttoning his white dress shirt. His speed for undressing another person was just as impressive as it was exciting, but Kakyoin couldn't help his hands as they wavered over Jotaro's when his abdominal scar was being revealed from under the fabric. "I think that's okay," he started, the embarrassment of the shocked looks and slightly inappropriate questions he endured from past hook ups coming back to him.

To his surprise, Jotaro moved to position himself between the other's legs as he revealed the large patch of scar tissue, placing his hand and spreading his fingers across it. Both of them knew he had lost a lot of sensation in that area from the injury, but in a way the gesture was kind of comforting. "Does it hurt you?"

"Oh, I mean, it's gotten better over the years. It's not as bad as before, and I still take medication," Kakyoin replied sheepishly, avoiding eye contact with Jotaro who had been starting into him intensely.

"I'm glad," came the short reply. "All these years since then I wanted to make things right. I felt like in a way I still owed you," Jotaro continued, "So when we broke up back then...I kept feeling like I had unfinished business."

"Ah, well," Kakyoin replied airily, taking the words into consideration as best he could despite how fast he felt everything was going, "You can start by giving me the best night of my life in a while, how about that?"

Jotaro let out a small chuckle in response, gingerly undoing Kakyoin's belt and pulling his pants and underwear down in one go, much to Kakyoin's embarrassment.

"Would you mind...? It's in the top drawer."

Awkwardly, Kakyoin leaned over to fumble through the contents of the nightstand conveniently placed next to the bed, fishing out a rather large bottle of lubricant. He tossed it to Jotaro who managed to catch it in one hand, a triumphant smirk following it.

Once Kakyoin kicked off his pants, Jotaro got to work slicking his fingers and pressing them in as soon as he got approval. While he worked one hand in that area, Jotaro used the other to hold Kakyoin's thigh while he placed bites on the inner part of it. Even after so many years, it didn't take long for him to find the spot that made Kakyoin start to writhe and whimper, feeling the way his thigh muscles contracted with excitement. After a minute, Kakyoin reached over to lightly tug on Jotaro's hair.

"I think that's enough," he said, an arm draped over his eyes in embarrassment.

"Want to stop here?"

"Stop messing with me."

"Alright alright, you're more impatient than I remember," Jotaro said lightheartedly, reaching into his back pocket to grab a condom packet stored in the back of his wallet. Not the classiest thing to do, and definitely out of character for someone like him, but the last time he had seen his old friend Polnareff it was slipped in there under the pretense that "You never know when you might pick up a cute chick at a bar and get a chance to take it further." Perhaps it wasn't such a terrible idea to leave it there.

After putting it on himself, and not bothering to get undressed more than simply removing his coat and unzipping his pants, he inserted himself as soon as Kakyoin gave him the go-ahead. The whole thing reminded him of the first time they ever did it, going as slow as he could and feeling immensely satisfied just by their hips meeting. Kakyoin was even making that dumb face Jotaro would make fun of him for after, with his eyebrows furrowed together and a frown as if he were a frightened child. Even then, Jotaro had to admit it was rather endearing.

Starting off at a slow pace, Jotaro held onto Kakyoin's hips, making sure to angle him to where he'd brush his sweet spot. It didn't take long for Kakyoin to start pushing himself against Jotaro slightly, wrapping a leg around Jotaro's waist for leverage while his member was already dripping with precum. With that, Jotaro took it as an indication he could start going faster, opting to lift Kakyoin's legs up and over his shoulders while he was at it.

"Oh, oh...! JoJo," Kakyoin gasped, grasping onto the sheets around him.

"Is that good?" Jotaro asked as sympathetically as he could, although all he got in return from the other was an incoherent response between pants and moans. "I'll hold you in a little bit, just..."

Suddenly, Jotaro watched as Kakyoin's body tensed up, his eyes shut tight as he climaxed onto his stomach. After a moment, he shyly opened his eyes, covering his mouth. "Umm, sorry. It felt too good," he said with a nervous laugh, shifting slightly as Jotaro stopped moving to lower his legs from his shoulders. For a moment, Kakyoin thought Jotaro intended on stopping there, disappointed at how quick it had ended. On the contrary, Jotaro was more motivated than before.

"Keep me company for just a little longer, is that alright?" Jotaro asked as he shifted Kakyoin to lie on his stomach, putting a hand under his stomach to prompt him into positioning his hips higher. It didn't take much longer for the both of them to reach satisfaction in that position.

The night ended with Jotaro caring for a still rather apprehensive Kakyoin, who insisted he could clean himself despite all his gnarly looking scars, but eventually gave into such tender care and the feeling of warm towels.

"Jo...JoJo, you had this planned all along, didn't you?" Kakyoin finally asked hesitantly, his back pressed to Jotaro's bare chest as he tried not to fall asleep while Jotaro stroked his hair.

Almost immediately, Jotaro let out a confident laugh, causing Kakyoin to crane his head back to look at his face. "You're the one that invited me! If anything, you must have been planning something."

"Oh. You're right," Kakyoin replied, turning back to lie comfortably again. "I guess it really must have just been a coincidence."

Jotaro hummed as he put an arm over Kakyoin's waist, placing his lips on the back of his head, subconsciously taking note of the pleasant smell of shampoo.

"I guess everything between us has just been a series of very fortunate coincidences."

"I'm glad."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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