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As much as both Kakyoin and Jotaro were the types of people to hate feeling lazy and unproductive, after weeks of working long nights at both their jobs, it felt more than right to just relax for the weekend.

For that night, Kakyoin decided to watch a documentary Jotaro and a few of his colleagues had a role in putting together. As excited as Jotaro had been to show it to Kakyoin though, he seemed content just to lie in the other's lap. Head resting on a pillow on Kakyoin's thigh and eyes closed as if ready to sleep, the sight reminded Kakyoin of a big dog that thought it was still a little puppy. Almost absentmindedly, Kakyoin ran his fingers through Jotaro's hair and began rubbing his head. After a few minutes, thinking Jotaro had fallen asleep, he stopped, only to feel a nudge at his hand. Without looking away from the TV, he continued before stopping after a few minutes, feeling a nudge again.

"Jeez, Jotaro. What are you, a spoiled dog? Let me watch in peace," Kakyoin scolded lightheartedly, giving him a light slap on the shoulder.

"Mmmaybe," Jotaro said with a playful tone. "Don't you think I deserve some extra love after this weeks hard work?"

Watching as Jotaro rolled from his side onto his back, Kakyoin sighed and held his face between his hands, rubbing his cheeks and under his chin the way he imagined himself as a child petting the friendly neighborhood stray dog. "I guess you've been a good guard dog ever since we've started making leads on that case with Josuke."

Jotaro hummed in response, relieved the two of them could finally catch a break after all.

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