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When we were in High School, there was an extremely pretty female student in my school whom we referred to as Female Goddess. – I was possessed by an extremely strong urge to kneel and proclaim the arrival of the Female Goddess, her name is Jennie Kim.

Jennie transferred to our High School in Year 2. When she first arrived, we were undergoing military training – thus, the appearance of the general student populace was extremely shabby. In contrast, when Jennie was introduced on stage, her glowing skin and hot body made the disastrously ugly military uniform appear extremely tempting.

I pointed to her and whispered to the student beside me, “Doesn’t she look like a special female agent sent by the army to tempt the enemy?”

There are various types of beauty. For instance, there’s the Kim Sohyun type of beauty, and there’s the Song Hye Kyo’s type of beauty. Despite being only 16 years of age, Female Goddess already possessed the aura of the latter. The common point shared by these beautiful women are as follows: the very moment they make an appearance, alarm bells would go off in the brains of the remaining female population, who would then become extremely cautious and prevent any form of contact between their boyfriends and the beauties.

In actuality, Jennie was extremely talented in the field of romantic relationships. Before military training ended, she had already succeeded in snatching the boyfriend of our Literature Representative. That boy looked exactly like Wang Jackson, and whenever he sang Forever Love, he could pass off as the real Wang Jackson. When our Literature Representative was dumped, she cried and wailed as if someone close to her had died. However, she soon stopped crying – mainly because the fake Wang Jackson was dumped by Female Goddess after a mere two weeks.

There’s a saying which provides that pretty women are often cold and unfriendly to their male admirers; this saying is a perfect description for Jennie, as though it was custom-made for her. Female Goddess was an extremely prominent person in our school, with innumerable male students falling for her charms. With respect to Jennie’s popularity, I simply felt that certain people were simply born with the charm of famous scenic spots, naturally stirring in people an irresistible urge to leave their mark in order to showcase that they too, have visited the scenic spot as well. Ah, I wonder what God one must believe in in order to obtain such a good life.

Dissatisfied, I asked my brother, “Do you males only focus on the external appearance of females?”

He replied, “Obviously! Attempting to judge a person by his personality is too abstract; conversely, judging a person by her face is much simpler and much easier.”


There were various rumours concerning Jennie. However, there were two extremely famous ones. The first one was that her family owned two mines, and that her weekly allowance was a thousand dollars a week. The second one was that the reason why she had transferred schools was because she was in an illicit relationship with her teacher in the previous school, and had even underwent an abortion.

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