Chapter 53: Fun Out

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3rd Person's POV:

Since Y/n and Sana don't know the name nor faces of their missing family member, they decided to stop, especially Y/n.

"There's no point." Y/n blurted out, Sana truned her head, "We still have chance, you know?" "How? We don't even know them from name to face, let's just give up. Besides, I've been searchinh for my father for the past decade now."

Sana let out a sigh, "I guess, you're right." The older girl wrapped her arm around Sanas shoulder, "Are you hungry?" She asked.

"Hmm... kind of." Y/n smiled, "Great, let's go eat something, my treat." Y/n went to her car with Sana trailing behind her.

"Hey, Sana." The older called, Sana hummed, "Want to drive again?" "Nope, I want to take a nap." "Okay, we're going out of town, anyways."

Sana tilted her head, "Out of town?" Y/n nodded, "Yeah, there's this restaurant that have fine dishes. I would like you to try it."

"Why don't we eat at your restaurant?" "Want something different." "Okay, then." "We will be there in an hour, just right for lunch. You can take a nap."

"Y/n, can I connect my phone to the car?" "Of course, do whatever you want." The latter hummed and played their song.

After some minutes, Y/n glanced at her side and saw the younger sleeping, she stopped for a while and fixed the latter's position.

She took Sana's phone and placed in a small storage box, she smiled, satisfied at what she did and went back to driving.

"Mina unnie, let's ride that." The cub said, pointing at a roller coaster, the older stared at it.

"Mina, come on." Jeongyeon called, gesturing the girl to come over, Mina nodded and followed them.

Screams after screams, after it felt like an eternity to Mina, the ride finally reached its end, the olders were catching their breaths with Dahyun, Jeongyeon was an exemption.

"That was awesome!" Jeongyeon and the two maknaes exclaimed, "Mina, did you have fun?" Jihyo asked, "Fun? I barely survived that thing."

"Oh, a photo booth!" Momo exclaimed and ran, dragging Nayeon and Jihyo along, Jeongyeon let out a sigh.

"I guess, we need to follow them." She said, the remaining girls nodded, "Hey, why don't we call Sana unnie, like, face time her?" Dahyun suggested.

"Yeah, besides, it's been two days since we talked to her." Tzyuy said, Dahyun nodded and took her phone out, immediately calling the older girl.

After a few rings, the older picked up, who just woke up from her nap because of Y/n.

"Hello, unnie!" Dahyun greeted, "Annyeong, Dahyun-ah. Where are you, guys? Seems like all of you are out." "Ah, yeah. We're in a amusement park, we brought Mina unnie out, she's been extra quiet since Y/n unnie left."

Y/n who was driving, frowned, 'Why would she? I mean, it's clear that she don't want me, right?' She thought.

"Unnie, where are you?" Tzuyu asked, "I'm going out for lunch." "Wait, are you in a car?" Jihyo asked as she popped out.

"Yeah, going out of town." "Who are you with?" Jihyo asked again, "I'm with a friend way back." "Ah. Arasseo, be careful." "I will, Jihyo." "Unnie, we'll go now, bye!" Chaeyoung bid, "Annyeong, take care!" Sana bid and hung up.

"I thought, we'd get caught." Y/n said and let out the breath that she didn't know she was holding in, Sana giggled. "Don't worry, I won't tell them." Y/n nodded and continued driving.

"Something's off." Chaeyoung blurted out, "What do you mean?" Momo asked, "I know what you mean, Sana was acting differently." Mina answered.

"Buenos!" Chaeyoung exclaimed as she point at Mina, ",What if...what if she's with Y/n?" Mina asked out of the blue.

"Y/n, you say? I should be the one hanging out with her." Nayeon said as she appeared, scaring the shit out of Jihyo, "Yah, unnie!" She exclaimed.

"What?" "Y/n should've told us that Sana is with her." Momo butted in, munching on a bag of chips, "Y/n is a secretive person." Mina muttered.

"So what, if they reallly are together? It's no a big deal, right?" Jeongyeon asked, "It is a big deal!" Mina and Nayeon said in sync, raising their voice a bit.

"Easy there, no need to raise your voices. What's the big deal, anyway?" "She's with Sana!" They shouted again, the two looked at each other.

"So what, if she's with Sana unnie?" Tzuyu asked, casually sipping her drink, "She's dangerous!" "She's going to steal Y/n!" The two exclaimed and glared at each other.

"Mina, why do you care so much? You don't like her, right?" Nayeon asked, "W-well, she's my best friend." "That doesn't mean you can control her like a robot." Nayeon argued.

"I am not, I'm just protecting her." Mina let out a frustrated sigh and headed to their van, "Mina, wait!" Jeingyeon shouted and chased the girl.

✅I 𝔣𝔢𝔩𝔩 𝔦𝔫𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔪𝔶 𝔅𝔢𝔰𝔱 𝔉𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔫𝔡 (Mina x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now