Chapter 56: Truth

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3rd person's POV:

"Sana and I have something to tell you." Mina stared sadly at the older, "To be honest..." Y/n held her sister's hand.

"She was with me for the past two weeks, I was the reason why she needed to go to Japan. I am with her when you called her when you guys were in a park."

The girls stared at them in disbelief, "Yah, how could you lie to us?!" Nayeon asked, "Will you let me go if you knew it's Y/n?"

"Stop fighting. There's one more thing, me and Sana... we are together now." Nayeon and Mina took a step back as their eyes teared up, the others were left in shock, their mouth left hanging open.

"Yah!" Nayeon exclaimed and started crying, the two burst out laughing, "The fuck! I didn't thought they would believe us." Y/n exclaimed, holding her stomach.

"It was... their reaction was so funny." "What the fuck?!" Nayeon said, "You had been fooling us?!" The two nodded.

"Well, technically, yes, but the first one was true. Oh, and another thing, we found our missing family member."

Mina's eyes lit up, "R-really? When?" She asked, "Earlier, we are about to have a family bonding, but Nayeon called."

"What's their name?" "Riku Minatozaki." "Y/n." The two answered in sync, "Oh, the two of you are sibling- wait... what the hell?!" Momo exclaimed.

"Yup, we're half sisters." "I told you, Y/n unnie looks familiar." Chaeyoung commented, "I'm happy for you, Y/n." Mina said.

"Thank you, Mina. I hope you're happy with Bambam, too." "We're not-" "I'll be staying in my new house starting today. Sana, would you like to live with me?"

Sana looked at her members, "I would love to, but if they agree." "Of course, we want you to spend time with your sister, but you still need to stay here sometimes, okay?" Jihyo asked, Sana nodded.

Mina went to her childhood friend again, "Y/n, can we talk? Alone?" Y/n nodded and was about leave with Mina, when someone called.

"Hey, Y/n, can you explain what happened first?" Nayeon asked, Y/n smiled and nodded, her hand softly holding Mina's wrist.

"Unnie, they want us to explain." Sana whispered, Y/n chuckled and held her sister's hand, "Let's give them what they want, then."

The three sat on the couch, "Care to explain what happened? Especially your prank?" Jeongyeon demanded.

Y/n gulped, "Well, you see... I asked Sana earlier on a date, so, we did had a date and I confessed to her-"

"What?!" Nayeon shouted, Jeongyeon covered her mouth, "Please, continue." "So as I was doing so, her father came and said that we can't be together, along with my mother.

I asked them why and... they told us that we were sharing the same blood, I stopped working, my mind still processing everything, and it hit me... he is my father.

After that, we deicided to spend some quality time with each other and that's when Nayeon called."

The members raised their brows, "What about the prank?" "Hehe, about that..."


The two girls sat on their respective seats, holding each other hand as the younger rest her head on her sister's shoulder.

✅I 𝔣𝔢𝔩𝔩 𝔦𝔫𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔪𝔶 𝔅𝔢𝔰𝔱 𝔉𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔫𝔡 (Mina x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now