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It's been 3 full days since Louis and Harry fought.

The betrayal and disappointment Louis feels towards Harry is keeping him away from the curly man. They haven't talked at all, not even greeting in the morning or at night before sleep.

The curly man finished his first painting and went on to the second one.

And Harry wanted to talk. He truly tried to reconnect with the rich man but it was so scary. Louis was throwing frowns and cold glances everywhere and Harry was afraid to even speak up in front of him. The most heartbreaking thing was when Louis didn't even want to do anything with Peanut.

When Sky was no longer present, Peanut was ready to take over the apartment once again. She became highly dependant on Louis' attention and when the man literally shoved her away every time she would come to him, it was straightly saddening.

So Harry kept Peanut close to himself, letting her mess around his working place.

Louis basically lived in the office room. He would come out only if he was hungry or when Harry would stop painting and come upstairs to spend the remaining night in the guest room. The rich man was even sleeping on the small couch in the office room. Not that he had a lot of sleeping done since the fight.

Louis couldn't sleep properly, again. He came back to his drunken nights, being miserable and missing his daughter incredibly. He wouldn't say it out loud, but he missed Eleanor as well.

Eleanor was in the picture since secondary school and they spent basically half of their life together. It's suddenly a big change and a huge hole in his chest that he lost someone who stood next to him for so long. The only person who spent even more time with him was Liam, but his younger brother is not up to associate with him anymore, too.

It's like he lost so much in his life there is no reason to keep going anymore.

He lost two closest people who knew him the most. He lost his sunshine daughter. And Harry turned against him. There is nothing to be happy for.

When this realisation settled down in his sorrowful mind on the third day of not speaking to Harry, he couldn't stop the tears from falling down his cheeks. He sobbed loudly in the fireplace room with no one to comfort him, no one to help him carry the heavy burden he inflicted upon himself.

The cries were so sad and powerful, his hands shaky and breath uneven - at some point, he felt like he couldn't even control his own body anymore.

Would Eleanor come back if he promised her he would change?

He would change. He really would. He would stop partying at the weekends, he would limit his work and he would start paying attention to her and Penelope. He would do whatever it takes to have his wife and daughter back.

But he knows Eleanor is not a player. She is a real woman, she knows her real value. She knows what's good for their daughter and if she decided Louis is not good, she is most probably right. He is ashamed of how he acted, and he realised just now. He really wants to change, he really does.

He wants to be the best father he could possibly be, for Penelope. He can't undo the last year and a half for Eleanor, but if he could, he would definitely do it. He wishes he would give Eleanor what she deserved all along.

He needs to stop being a coward and face the fact he is the one who ruined his own life. It was not his bossy and strict father, nor his mother who ran off - it was him and just him.

He can't blame anyone, not his parents, not Eleanor, not even Harry. His parents can go fuck themselves, but Eleanor and Harry deserved much, much better than an arrogant, stupid rich man who brought them down in so many ways.

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