Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Luke and I sat down on the couch, pouring over our calculus notes. He sighed, "I can't believe we have this stupid test the Monday after our first week of school. I mean, really?"

I nodded in agreement, "I know, it sucks. I mean it's a review test from last year, but man I don't remember anything from last year."

"I know! It was a whole 3 months ago for Christ's sake. It's not like I was reviewing and keeping the information fresh over the summer break."

"Don't use His name in vain, Lucas." My mother scolded from the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes and Luke gave an apologetic look and mumbled "Yes ma'am."

"I'll be outside if y'all need anything."

"Kay." The doorbell rang as soon as she left. "Come in." I shouted through the door. Connor opened the door and walked in, "Hey, Connie."

Luke sighed, "Oh good the cavalry has arrived. You don't know how glad we are to see you!"

"I hope you don't mind that I invited Luke to our little study sesh."

She shook her head, "Not at all." She set her book bag down on the coffee table. "How are you, Luke?"

"Stressed." He over exaggerated a sigh and I couldn't help but let out a chuckle at him. He narrowed his eyes at me, "Don’t act like we ain't in the same boat her, Pal."

I shook my head, "I'm not. I just thought the way you said it was pretty funny."

Connor shook her head at the two of us, "Where do y'all want to start?"

Before I could say anything, Luke answered, reading my mind, "The beginning."

She smiled before diving into saving our academic lives.

The study session was long and torturous. Luke and I only have an hour long attention span, so we had to take breaks quite often. It was 4:00 when Luke decided to pack up. "Yeah, I have a date with Becky tonight, so I have to go shower and whatever before picking her up."

I nodded, "Okay, have fun."

He nodded and smiled at Connor, "Thank you so much for teaching me, Connor."

She smiled, "No problem. Good luck on Monday. Call me if you need any help."

"Will do. See y'all tomorrow morning." He closed the door on his way out.

I stood up, "Do you want another coke?"

Connor shook her head, "No, I'm good." She paused, "How long has Luke and Becky been dating?"

I shrugged as I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, "I think they made it official sophomore year, so about two or three years."


I looked up at her, "What?"

She shook her head, "That's just a long time."

I sat down on the couch and took a swig of water, "You were dating Jake for like 6 months. That's a long time."

She looked down at her hands, "Yeah, but not two years."

"Yeah, two years is quite a while. I think they were each other's first."

She nodded, "Stacy and Carl are the same way. They've been together for ages." She paused, "They're getting married."

I wasn't shocked. At all. Most high school couples get married. "Tell them I said congrats."

She nodded, "I will… It's just kind of weird."

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