14 - Boyfriends 🔞

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I felt myself melting before Wat's rueful gaze.

"I'm sorry I acted like such a fool. Please, please, please give me another chance.

You're not "whatever". You're everything.

I love you, Tine"

My heart stopped beating. The universe came to a grinding halt around me.

It was as though Wat and I were in a bubble by ourselves and nothing else existed around us.

I took a step forward and Wat lowered his eyes. I could see tears glistening on his lashes like diamonds, the blush blooming on his cheek, his cupid's bow lips trembling slightly, his breath coming in short spurts.

I pulled him gently to myself and engulfed him in my arms.

"Forgive me, Tine" he whimpered, burying his face in my shoulder.

"I should be mad at you more often just to hear you sing for me like that" I said, turning my head to kiss the fragrant skin beneath his ear.

I stroked his hair lovingly as I felt his tears wetting my collar. He sniffled and took a long breath to compose himself, holding me tighter around my neck.

I pulled him closer, my arms around his waist and back. I felt his heartbeats slow down and he became calmer.

"Umm, guys. Do you want to take this outside maybe?" said Chef Gustad, clearing his throat loudly.

I raised my head to find ten thousand faces staring, smiling, hooting, whistling, cheering, clapping and basically bringing the house down around us.

I wondered when I'd gone temporarily blind and deaf to have not noticed the commotion around us that seemed to have started a good while ago.

I slipped my arms slowly off Wat, with one final pat on his back.

Wat released me shyly, and turned around to face everyone with me.

He gave them a dazzling smile, rubbed the nape of his neck in embarrassment and raised one hand in acknowledgement.

I bowed my head briefly in thanks, my cheeks burning in absolute mortification.

I felt Wat slip his palm in mine, our fingers threading perfectly between each other's.

It was as though our hands were meant to be held together.

"Now that's what I call a showstopper. Luckily, we have a few more for you tonight" said Fern with a tinkling giggle, from the podium at the front of the room.

Everyone laughed and turned to her. The attention moved away from us, and to Fern and her friends who were now displaying the marquee pieces that they wore.

She launched into an animated description of her inspiration for the line and the details in each of the beautifully made pieces.

Wat and I took the opportunity to slip away through the door at the back of the gallery. It opened into a long, glass walled passage that led to the administrative offices.


We stood hand in hand, staring at each other silently for a moment, before we leapt at each other.

Our lips crashed and squashed together, teeth clashing, tongues lapping hungrily, desperate to taste each other's sweetness.

Our hands roamed freely up and down each other's bodies, caressing whatever we could touch of the other, raking through each other's hair, fondling each other's face, pawing at each other's limbs, pressing and rubbing against each other.

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